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EP-2 LCD - newbie question!!


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<p>Yes, well my first (digital) mid compact of any note - bought into the EP2 system. Today.<br>

Question on the LCD player. Please keep in mind the only live LCD camera I have used is a Ricoh GRD II fixed lens/FL, and it holds up pretty well.<br>

With the Zuiko 14-45 (planning to get the Lumix 20/1.7 as the prime), shooting in medium to low light, the LCD has vertical lines running through it and fuzzing out the image. This is NOT is the dark. Inside low lighting. <br>

Is that normal for a slow lens at f3.5/14mm to blow out like that on this LCD? And I do know the res on this LCD is a paltry 230,000 pixels - why beats me on a camera costing this much. The EVF is pretty cool though.<br>

I am pretty sure this is normal for a slow zoom, but not sure how tight the LCD should be. Guess I can check in daylight in the AM as well. Just want to make sure it is not faulty.<br>

(The GRD LCD display is the same 230K, but seems to not break apart as bad.)</p>


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<p>Could you describe the "vertical line" a little more precisely? Does it appear above and below of a point light source? If so, it should be smear and won't affect the captured image as the shutter is full mechanical (not hybrid with an electronic 2nd curtain). If there is no point light source and you still see the lines, I would suspect the video circuit is faulty. I don't see any smear either on the LCD or EVF of my Panasonic G1, though.</p>

<p>Does the vertical lines appear in the captured images, too?</p>

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<p>Thanks Akira. Does not appear in the images. Just in very low light across the whole screen. My guess is that's the deal. Outside today no problems, though I used the EVF most of the time. Like looking at a LCD TV. Weird and effective. Now trying to decide whether to keep the EP2 at all.</p>
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