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Resolution Question

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<p>I have the job of doing some major editing to a photo that will eventually be used as the back insert on a music CD. I found on line the the correct dimensions are 5.4 x 4.63. So, I dialed those figures into the cropping tool and have cropped the image.<br>

This gives me an image that is 690 x 592 pixels which works out to be a resolution of 128.<br>

I don't do much printing so I have some questions:<br>

1. Is 128 a high enough resolution to print an acceptable image?<br>

2. If not, what resolution should I up-res to?<br>

3. What method should I use? Bicubic smoother?<br>

When answering, please keep in mind that the original image is already a very grainy, black and white so this by no means has to be a pristine print but I WOULD like to do my best with what I was given.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for any help on this issue.</p>

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<p>for print on press (commercial printing), 300 dpi will be needed.<br>

from 128 to 300, I would do in 2 steps res up (for ex 128 -> 200 then 200 ->300), with correction between steps. You need to convert the image to CYMK and color do color correction too..</p>

<p>good luck</p>

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<p>Hi Jammer,<br>

Again, I would suggest getting your client to put you in touch with his printer. Speak with them about their needs/preferences. Many printers prefer to do the up-res and conversion to CYMK (if necessary) themselves. If that is not the case, the printer is still your best source of advice on how much you need to up-res the image. </p>

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