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You shouldn't be afraid of Facebook


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<p>There's been a lot of talk on this forum about Facebook. Most of the comments seem to be negative, like, "The bride put my photos on Facebook without me knowing," or something along those lines. My thoughts are, why not <strong>take control of the situation</strong> in a manner that is very beneficial to you? Here's a video and an article that I've found to be very beneficial:</p>




<p>If you're worried about copyright issues, you can effectively skirt this by putting up small versions of the work, that aren't much good for anything than a small screen view. Any thoughts?</p>

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<p>Our senior market has expressed great interest in using their images on facebook. We plan to launch it this January (when we have time to do it right!). Our plan is post a web-res version, signed in plain view with our logo, tag the senior in the image and have them become a fan. I plan to do this with my own wedding business as well. I think if you think it through, you can use facebook to open new doors without compromising on copyright issues and free printing. </p>
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<p>...and when you have a FAN page for your business, you can watermark your low-res images and tag your clients, that way ALL of their friends know that they've been tagged and can see them too... A little free advertising never hurts! Especially if they use your image for their profile picture. {all with their consent to using the images for that purpose of course!}</p>
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<p><strong><em>"There's been a lot of talk on this forum about Facebook. . .</em></strong><br>

<strong><em> </em></strong><br>

Both the links articulate the MARKETING process by which the Vendor creates an HERD.<br>

This terminology might not be what is used in all precincts; but it is how we describe this particular marketing strategy where I live and where I work. It is not new.<br>



<strong><em> </em></strong><br>

<strong><em>Any thoughts?"</em></strong><br>


IMO, Facebook is not the best conduit for HERD CREATION.<br>






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<p>William, my point was that if your brides are going to put your pictures up on Facebook anyway, why not do it for them, in a way that benefits you?</p>

<p>I'm curious, what do you think is the best way to create a herd? Facebook might not be the best way to generate leads, etc., but I think the return-on-investment on Facebook is still pretty good. The technique mentioned in the video is free and really doesn't take much time at all.</p>

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<p>Yes, I understood your point. I was commenting on the links and their messages.<br>

I think that if one believes Facebook is a good return on one's investment, then use it, as I mentioned, YMMV. <br>

That's the beauty of free enterprise; so many different options, from which to choose.<br>

Meantime, Merry Christmas, as I am off to enjoy Christmas Eve . . . and beyond.<br>




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<p>This is one of the best versions of "viral" marketing ever devised. </p>

<p>It spreads awareness of what you do further than can be imagined ... friends beget more friends ... and a bride that posts her photos and raves about you is seen by her friends and the friends of her friends. I really haven't done enough in this regard but will during the down Winter months ahead. </p>

<p>I linked to friends from my advertising days, and put up a portfolio along with an announcement that I was now full time ... former business associates then posted, and some of their friends now know I shoot weddings. </p>

<p>It's an accelerated form of word-of-mouth with samples of the photography done for their friend. I'm not worried in the least about unauthorized usege ... the shots are to small to print anyway. IMO, it's better than a blog ... basically a Bride is Blogging on your behalf so there's no work involved.</p>

<p>Tick-Tock ... times change. </p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Hi Marc, Merry Christmas to you<br>


Tick tock . . . I agree . . . I agree also that Facebook can be used as a good form <em>"of "viral" marketing" </em> <br>


My point was Facebook was: <em>"Facebook is not the best conduit for HERD CREATION."</em><br>


<em >Herd Creation</em> is an outcome. <em >Word of Mouth</em> advertizing is a process. Facebook can be an accelerated form of WoM advertizing. . . and word of mouth can be used for Herd Creation in Facebook as too it can be used in a Blog – the resultant Herds are (usually) different.<br /><br /><br /><br>



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