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Photoshop - Batch processing action - use "Auto" in RAW-dialog

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<p>I know how to automate my processing of RAW-files, including overriding the RAW-dialog.<br>

But now I have a few hundred files I want to give a standard treatment.<br>

Basically this:</p>


<li>Open RAW file (Nikon NEF) </li>

<li>In Adobe RAW dialogue box, select AUTO setting</li>

<li>Do stuff in Photoshop</li>

<li>Save file as JPG</li>

<li>Close file</li>


<p>My problem is in step 2 above:<br>

I know how to apply the SAME settings to all my pictures<br>

And I know how to apply the CAMERA RAW DEFAULTS to all my pictures<br>

But I can't get my action to use the AUTO-settings:<br>

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/nNPCw.gif" alt="" width="340" height="510" /><br>

How do I do this?<br>

The closest I have gotten, is to a point where my action 'pauses', so I can click 'auto' manually, but that makes kind of kills the whole idea of using an action.<br>

Is there at setting or a trick I've missed?<br /> <br /> Thank you for you help.<br>


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