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POW 12/06/09


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<p>It's a couple minutes after by my watch. </p>


<p>Snowy day today. This rose blossom was holding up some snow.</p>

<p>Pentax K200D, 1/45, f/11, ISO400; 28-80 FAJ at 80/120 : 35mm/28mmAPS-C, with ND8X filter, recorded as a "tungsten" 3200K JPEG, processed as a "daylight film" 5600K JPEG, cropped; AP2 adjustments "centerlined", dropped brightness & increased contrast. </p>

<p>Learned again to consider photographing in snow with tungsten film or tungsten white balance in digital to bring in that touch of blue. In direct sunlight, the effect is negated; but, in common shade or overcast the blue is noticeable. </p>

<p>This technique worked best as the sun was coming out; camera position allowed some variety in how much blue would work its way into the picture. The more shade around camera position and subject, the more blue. </p>

<p>This photo was made is a place with partial shade as the clouds were breaking. Some white influence from the sunlight; some blue still in a partially shaded background.</p>


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<p>Slide below contains snaps from some adjacent frames; trying to show the variance in influence the sunlight and shade had upon recording the image originally as tungsten. More shade; more blue. The frames that made the slide are strait; no post beside crop and compression.</p><div>00VBTF-198181684.jpg.3613d8e4bbe1bfb7ee1896c2d44359fd.jpg</div>
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<p>Yes, I know I married a brat.</p>


Spent a lot of time right before Thanksgiving snapping fast portraits again. Bobby got tossed in - these were fundraiser shots. Guy on the left is a local business man running for the House of Reps seat in this area. Guy on the right is Alan Keyes. I think I should have had them both sign this print. I love Bobby's face. Yes, that's the only reason it's coming into POW. If that's not good enough for you - call it practice in metering for extremes in the dynamic range. I just feel lucky the white shirts didn't blow out!</p><div>00VBTz-198189784.jpg.11d230433b3fb8dfd159a82a2a54e457.jpg</div>

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<p>2nd is a rare moment of sisterly peace. Taken the same day as all the shots over in my "Javi's Spotty" thread.<br /> This one really made me realize how much our oldest (left side, since they are almost the same size!) has grown in the past 6 months.<br /> If you notice her shirt - there's an out of place shadow on the Right side of her back (indicating a bulge). That is where her spine is curving outside of her rods. If you notice the deep inward curve under her Left arm, and the lines in her shirt over her shoulder blade. That's also a tell-tale. Obviously I'm aware that she's growing, but even taking care of her every day, I never N O T I C E D how much her back has grown & curved since May. <br /> She and Daddy will be taking off for St Louis & the Shriner's Hospital Dec 20th & will return home either the 23rd or 24th. She's had these rods in her back for 2.5 years now, and has completely outgrown the set! She's getting a longer, thicker (4mm instead of 3mm) set that we hope will go another 2.5 years with no breaking incidents. <br /> This isn't an obsessive thought for me - just really strikes me when I'm seeing this picture & rubbing her back (it hurts) tonight.<br>

Photo lesson: ummmm - here we go. I haven't shot in full sun for quite a while. Being able to still see some details in The Indian's base and not blowing out the stones the girls are on..... WIN!!</p><div>00VBUA-198191584.jpg.a5c18157ee6b8ae2e775de529292f971.jpg</div>

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<p>Nice way to show off all those cool bridges in Portland, John. You'll have to do the same with brewpubs too.<br>

We got a lot of cold rain and fog and sun up here this week. It is certainly winter in character if not on the calendar.</p>

<p><strong>Man in teal with white dog</strong><br>

<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/732916315_SZBcF-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, DA 21mm Ltd, 1/45 @ f 8, ISO 400</p>

<p>By the time I noticed the elements pouring forth, I had about 10 seconds to attach the K20D to the Bigma, get the right focal length, and steady my hold for this shot before my daughter's soccer team's initial pre-game huddle and cheer brokeup. Thirty-four degrees, but they beat the Tacoma team once again, 2-0!</p>

<p><strong>Go Wasabi!!</strong><br>

<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/732902613_3U6pR-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, Sigma (Bigma) 50-500mm@ 83mm, f8 @ 1/3000, ISO 400, handheld</p>


<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/732916251_8824A-M.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, FA 50mm, f 4 @ 1/60, ISO 400</p>


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<p><img src="../photo/10303296" alt="" /> <img src="../photo/10303294" alt="" /><br>

I spent Thanksgiving day with my wife at the Valley of Fire State Park in southern Nevada, just north of Lake Mead.</p>

<p>I wasn't really impressed with the red rocks, but after looking at my photos, I realized that once again my K20D had come through for me. I was using my Tokina AT-X 24-200 PRO, without any polarizing filter.</p>

<p>By the way, John, many of us are familiar with the graceful lines of the St. Johns bridge, but that is the best view I have ever seen of the Fremont.</p>

<p>This is my first try at posting from my gallery, I hope that it works!</p>

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<p>I clearly don't know how to load an image from my portfolio. I'll try again anyway.<br>

A Jack-o-Lantern<br>

<img src="../photo/10303296" alt="" /><br>

<img src="../photo/10303296" alt="" /><br>

Stone Iguana<br>

<img src="../photo/10303294" alt="" /><br>

<img src="../photo/10303294" alt="" /></p><div>00VBVC-198195584.thumb.jpg.d8e990fd97d594d31c1d9090b19ed46d.jpg</div>

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<p>Great stuff s far! Ben, your macro shots are getting very interesting. And the cartoon? OMG!! Maria great shot of Bobby, would have been better with Keys PS'ed out. (sorry) Michael, I love the soccer shot in the fog and congrats to the good guys for the victory. <br>

As John said in his first post, it snowed here yesterday, though very little here in Phila. Nonetheless my first is from yesterday. K20D, 35mm ltd.</p><div>00VBXm-198229584.jpg.1441acf3cc92e6a659212cac591ae9de.jpg</div>

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<p>Went to Virginia beach for a few days last week, was hoping to get some shots at the back bay wildlife refuge but didn't go, was hoping for some shots from the great dismal swamp but didn't go, why? because I spent the whole time at the hospital for the birth of my first grandchild!!! Marley Lynn Harris, while the pictures are my usual mediocre, the emotional response(for the photographer) was off the chart.</p><div>00VBY2-198229984.jpg.9972cd80ac29ec6ad981f81f7a047523.jpg</div>
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<p>And another(may need moderator intervention) I have about 1000 and now understand about those people that are always talking about there grandkids, its inexplicable the difference between becoming a father 25 yrs ago and now being a grandfather. I even found myself wandering over to the baby section at Wally world last night.</p><div>00VBYC-198231884.jpg.c2a34f38be0978fbe9d2ac007f807ce1.jpg</div>
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<p>I am always inspired by Javier and all the dudes that still shoot films while owning a great Pentax digital bodies and the ability to convert in software to b&W. It has been a painful path for me to abandon film to cut on cost. Last year, I have the almost-perfect dual with Pentax film cameras in SuperProgram and PZ-1. After few rolls of color films, I gave up after seeing the shots from Ritz and Walmart. The cost to develop films along with yearly special member sign up in Ritz adds to around $80 in 2 weeks of trial. The lba junkie in me thought of the $80 lens that I haven't tried. Compounded with too many lenses and cameras, I sold all film stuff. My Pz-1 is in Rose's home and I still don't know if I should buy it back from her. Will see, tempt me Rose if you still read this forum. I have been missing you and somewhat concerned.</p>

<p>I was unsettled on my nostalgic path in going back to film which was my start of photography in my youth time. I especially curious about slides and b&w. This past two weeks, I re-live my LBA nightmare in getting all the film stuff just to give it a 2nd, perhaps a 3rd and 4th trial. I hope I am not chickening out like last time. I have an un-boxed Canon 8800F and I studying VueScan and SilverFast. Also I am studying developing the b&w film myself. And, shame on my LBA nightmare, I have the 645N to play with and I am studying the 1st roll to try. I was thinking of the <a href="http://www.frugalphotographer.com/cat120.htm">FrugalPhotographer 120 cheap film</a> from China by the name of Shanhai GP3 100 Pan 120 roll but it has a warning for development that a color processing will ruin the film. Anyway, here are three of the shots. </p>


taken with Tamron SP 17mm f/3.5 adaptall-2 (51B) lens. <br>

I forget about not having SR in the film body. I saw 1/15 to 1/30 sec shutter alternating and I have no concern in the shooting, bad practice spoiled by digital </p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2770/4156585652_cc77ee0ccf_b.jpg" alt="" width="599" height="887" /></p>


taken with Access 35-70mm f/2.5-3.5<br>

What was he thinking and where is my lunch?<br>

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2648/4156587876_6c0801a40a_b.jpg" alt="" width="599" height="886" /></p>


with the Tamron SP 17mm f/3.5<br>

foggy after sunset in San Francisco Cliff House area<br>

<img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2692/4156587318_acfced0031_b.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the inspiration to go back to film! I missed Justin and he, Javier and many of you have inspired my film try out.</p>


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<p>Great start John... thanks for the lesson.<br />Ben- I'm starting to see it too... looks like I'm gonna have to get a reversal ring myself.<br />Matthew - lol... Now that's funny right there!<br />Maria - The "what the?" look on Bobby's face says it all!<br />John - awesome bridge shots... I really would have expected more fisheye from the 12 mm. Did you use lens correction and how close were you to the bridge?<br />Michael - All 3 are keepers... love the fog!<br />Ian - The blend of contrasts and DOF is really pleasing to my eye.<br />Robert C. - Outstanding as usual. The tree looks like a painting to me - sweet!<br />Robert B. - Nothing mediocre about newborn shots. Congrats!<br />Hin - Wow! Makes me wanna break out the Super Program! I'm titling your rediscovery "Pentax Revisited".</p>
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<p>Caught four this week with three surprises (to me). I was in Manhattan, waiting outside the barbershop until the barber was ready for me. It was a grey day, but I didn't realize how grey. My ISO was set at 400 thinking that would give me a fast enough shutter speed. As will see, in at least one, it wasn't fast enough.</p>

<p>In this first one, she seemed to capture the mood of the day. My surprise was a green cast that I corrected for. Another surprise was the shutter speed. At ISO 400, it seemed very slow at 1/15.</p><div>00VBat-198267584.jpg.daa8c6d0d1f4d1706c565446620400c3.jpg</div>

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<p>I've been working on some new portrait techniques this week. I setup my studio lights a couple of weeks ago at school to take faculty shots. This image was a going away gift for the school's recruiter. I guess we can just call it the painterly effect. Both I and the subject were happy with it. I'm ordering a 16x20 canvas print; thinking the added texture of the canvas will set off the effects. Still playing with styles and next step is getting the process refined so it's doesn't take so darn long. This one was hours and hours of experimentation. I completley lost track of time working on it and was up until like 3am... That has not happend in YEARS!</p><div>00VBdM-198287584.jpg.a8b8f4b2600322007885e72c4380ffc3.jpg</div>
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<p>Many fine shots this week!.<br>

Particularly enjoyed in no order.<br>

Hin's film shots, keep up the nice work.<br>

Michael E. soccer celebration.<br>

Robert C. landscapes<br>

Beerbrain rural shots<br>

@Doug Robinson, the bridge has no correction and the 12mm setting is practically distortion free. Also I was probably about 4-5 feet from the bridge support in the left side of the shot.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p >My main objective in Photography over the last 30 years has been to document the rural atmosphere and buildings that have been disappearing as our city expands and engulfs them. All this summer I struggled with a derelict barn site near where I live, but was not successful. The “Oasis”was taken in September. I went back 2 days later, to try and do a better job and it was gone. Gone, like bulldozed, flattened, disappeared. Look forward to streets, sidewalks, garages, roofs, chimneys.</p>

<p > Here are two posts of the site (the first is simply very amateurish playing with PS). These two, like the others, are quite ordinary. However, now that the site has gone forever, I am glad that I have them.</p>

<p >Tam 90/2.8, 1/10 @ f11.0 and DA 50-200 @ 175mm, 1/350 @ F8.0.</p><div>00VBdz-198291784.jpg.2f075fc4306e0ca782c535db6378f0b2.jpg</div>

Tony Evans
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