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Dandelion AF Confirm Chip problem


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<p>I just attached a Dandelion AF Confrim Chip to one of my M42 adapters.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, it won't let me take shot unless I achieve Autofocus. It does not matter what AF Setting I use, I.E: ONE SHOT, AI FOCUS, AI SERVO. </p>

<p>The camera will not take a photo until the AutoFocus system finds a focus point. Also, once the Autofocus system locks in and I move the focus away from the subject, it does lock in again.</p>

<p>I am using Canon 5D Mark II and Dandelion AF Confirm chip (latest version)</p>

<p>Is anyone else experiencing these problems and found a solution?</p>

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<p>I think it's a feature, not a bug.</p>


<p>A very annoying feature, in my estimation. But not many agree with me.</p>

<p>It sounds like a problem with the adapter, though. It ought to treat the lens as a lens in MF mode. Lenses in MF mode will always allow the shutter to trigger, even though they trigger the focus confirmation lights.</p>

<p>On my 5D, I could switch Custom Function 4 to setting 1 to disconnect the focus and shutter buttons, and largely solve the problem. I don't know if the 5D2 has the same function or not.</p>

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<p>I fitted two of these adaptors and removed them for this very reason , placed them in the bin. A better and more elegant option is the Optix 5 from HappypageHK , no such problem and the ease of programming is a bonus , just use the DOF button to register aperture focal lenght and ven relocate focus confirm in case of error.</p>
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<p>I have not come across these things before and it triggered a thought. I have a Sigma EOS 400mm lens that is not compatible with my EOS 5DMkII. Could one of these chips enable me to use it? I know the autofocus won't work and maybe the aperture will be fixed too, but I can live with that.<br>

Any experiences of view?<br>

If it might work, what adapters do I need?</p>

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<p>Hi Carlos,<br>

This is the default feature of these chips. You can set the chip to manual focus: The green dot and beep still appear when the lens is in focus but you no longer have this annoying interlock with the shutter release.<br>

To change the setting go into programming for the chip mode followed by command F9 and press the shutter. This should set the chip to manual mode. To reset to auto-focus mode repeat procedure. F9 is just a toggle setting. See the documentation for the Dandelion chips.<br>

Chris Ogilvie</p>

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  • 1 month later...

<p>I bought a Leica R to Canon EOS adapter with dandelion chip from HK. Tried it on Canon EOS 5D MK II. Since all my Leica R lenses are manual focus lens, there is no problem with<br>

focus confirmation: the center square blinks in red, a green dot lits up at the lower right corner, and the camera beeps.</p>

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  • 8 months later...
<p>I don't know who else still watches this topic , but yes ,Chris Ogilvie is perfectly right .Despite this , when using the chip in AF setting it won't permit apertures smaller than 7,1 .If someone wants to use f8,f9,f11 and so on , must set MF.</p>
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