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can you suggest a low/moderate priced jpeg projector?

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<p>Hello Everyone. I need some real advice about jpeg projection. What I would like to do is project jpegs to about 6 feet in size, at most. In the past I made film transparencies but after going digital, I find that I miss making large images. I know digital projectors are very expensive but I do not need anything majestic, just something to please myself really. So, can someone suggest a low/moderate priced digital projector that a fella can use for travel pictures, flowers and all the other terribly prosaic images I make.<br>

As I know very little about the subject of jpeg projection, any and all advice will be truly appreciated.</p>

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<p>Digital projectors will project any image from your computer. They aren't limited to JPEGs. Look for a minimum resolution of 1024 X 768 but more is better.<br>

Many low priced projectors use expensive lamp assemblies. Find out about expected lamp life and lamp assy replacement cost before purchasing. A friend bought an inexpensive projector ($800) to play games, only to learn that the lamp assembly cost $400 to replace. Ouch.<br>

Low to moderate priced projectors tend to be not very bright, so if you want to show your images in a lighted room, look for a projector with a higher lumen (brightness) rating. Brightness costs; 1200 lumens costs ~$2000. 50 lumens and lower resolution costs ~$500.<br>

Do your research on the net, there are lots of good sites that compare brightness, resolution, and cost.<br>

<Chas><br /></p>

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<p>1024x768 should be a minimum, agreed... its all about controlling the light, though. If you can make the room really dark, most projectors will be okay.. if you can't most will stink.<br>

When we project, bright light shining on the double layer curtains is enough to diminish contrast a bit, and an open window would make it unuseable. Our projector is a 2000 lumens model.</p>

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<p>Sounds like you want an "Opaque Projector" They are made to project photos or Docs, etc.</p>

<p>I'd check Jerry's Artarama the prices are quite good there, its a wholesale art supply.<br /> My wife just bought a Palatte there for $13 that was $20+ elsewhere.</p>

<p>ASW or Art Supply Warehouse</p>

<p>Dick Blick these are all in the Internet, you can find them in Google..</p>

<p>If you dont find just the model you want in one of them, Id be surprised.</p>

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<p>@Robert Johnson, I've never heard of an opaque projector that projects JPEGs. Please point me at one for that purpose. ;-)<br>

Kidding aside, opaque projectors are woefully inefficient and require all but total darkness to see even the lightest image. I wouldn't suggest using one of those cheapies for trying to project photos in all but total darkness.</p>

<p><Chas><br /></p>

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