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Re-gluing back door vinyl of M camera

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Sometime during its life, the vulcanite on the back door of my M4 was

replaced with the more modern vinyl (?) material. <br>However the

corners are now loosing their grip and are sticking out a little. I

have tried to re-glue the corners by applying a little rubber cement

but it does not attach well to the vinyl. The vinyl appears to

be �pre-glued� (like a self adhesive sticker) and this glue

apparently doesn�t stick well to rubber cement. <br>

I am thinking that if I can remove the glue from the corners of the

vinyl, the rubber cement would probably work. Does anyone have

experiences with a solvent that can be used to remove the glue

without damaging the vinyl covering?<p>Thanks

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Rubber cement isn't designed for a permanent bond. You need to use a contact cement like Goodyear Pliobond. You'll have to clean off the rubber cement first. www.cameraleather.com supplies pre-cut replacement leatherette for Leica M bodies. They also have a variety of pre-cut exotic leathers and can supply coverings for a number of camera brands.
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PVA glue is designed for binding leather and leatherette to other surfaces. I used it over 5 years ago for the exact same purpose you're looking to use it for and have never had to re-glue those corners on the camera back. You can find it at archival product supply houses like Light Impressions (www.lightimpressionsdirect.com), University Products (www.universityproducts.com), and Metal Edge Inc (www.metaledgeinc.com).
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