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POTW 22/11/09


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<p>Wow, I like the images this week. I will comment on my favs as soon as there are more...</p>

<p>Mine are rather different for me this week. I was fortunate to have good light for a change. Normally it is way to bright and sunny and always battling with exposer and shadows...There was rumors all week long about rain and so I have been waiting for it, but again it was just a rumor...Still we got some clouds and they of course make the skies look dramatic for us folks who do not see them often....Anyway, I headed out to the San Pedro Tide pools as I know that is where the clouds come in from and tried to time it right to capture the tide going out, but it never really did yesterday....Still, I got to use my Sigma 10-20 which has been getting upset with me for not using it lately and my SMC-A 28 as well.....Since I wanted clean images, I also took my K20D and left the K-7 home...</p>

<p>At High Tide the water here is about 3 feet higher and I would not be able to stand here.<br>

K20D / Sigma 10-20 straight jpeg out of the camera.<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Trips/Pentaxk20dSigma10-2020.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>My Wife taking my picture.<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Trips/Pentaxk20dSigma10-2026.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>And this is what the tidepools are normally like..They are full of sea life, but this day, they tide never went down as we where hit with this ''massive'' storm that never did come....<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Trips/Pentaxk20dSigma10-2010.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>To see more from this trip, visit my <a href="http://jgredline.smugmug.com/People/San-Pedro-Tide-pools/10405296_ZxofA#720836256_2g36j">smug mug page....here...</a></p>

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<p><a href="http://trentwhaley.smugmug.com/Photography/Picture-of-the-Week/5608070_kcZVH#720615486_nAzMj"><img src="http://trentwhaley.smugmug.com/Photography/Picture-of-the-Week/IMGP2110/720615486_nAzMj-L.jpg" alt="" /></a><br>

K10D, FA50/1.4, lit with one Flaspoint BF160 through a 4'x8' diffuser panel.<br>

Model is <a href="http://sherstone.com/">Sean Sherstone</a></p>

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<p>The color has drain out of Mather Nature's face here in the upper midwest, so here are a few B&W shots from today. K20D, Sigma 18-50 F/2.8.<br /> I discovered this prehistoric skull lying beneath these trees...<br /> <img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/K20D6306editbw.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/K20D6358editbw.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p26/stevet_010/K20D6314editbw.jpg" alt="" width="1024" height="680" /></p>

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<p>Here's an image of the Roosevelt Arch I previously posted converted to B&W and adding some sepia toning to give a more antique look to an old structure (1903). I used the Split Toning and Post-Crop Vignetting modules of LR3 Beta. <br>

<img src="http://wtlwdwgn.smugmug.com/Landscapes/September-in-Yellowstone/Roosevelt-Arch-Sepia-222809/721913331_rZkJ8-O.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="550" /></p>

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<p >A person cannot help but step back and see the versatility of pentax equipment with regards to the scope and variety of the photos posted in POW. With so many great photos how does one start.</p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=3848494">George C.</a> the expression captured makes the photo</p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4123413">Ben Pajuczok</a> I find the fellow in the background with the hat shading his eyes enough not to burn out any detail and to captured him while he locks eyes with you is an amazing photo </p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4009954">Tony Evans</a> The thought and planning that goes into your street photos coupled with your processing make your work recognizable.</p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=4265112">Camus Wyatt</a> Brother Perfect DOV catching brother in the background while they are holding hands.</p>

<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=2299604">Sean Leahy</a> Love star trails people seldom look for the north star and compose their photo with regards to the north star good job<br>

There are so many great photo’s to comment and view and so little time</p>

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<p>George - #1 You've got quite an eye! :-)<br>

Garry - Those coleus leaves are incredible. The colors really snap.<br>

Denise - #1 Serene and nice colors<br>

Tony - colors are beautiful and fabulous framing<br>

Robert - Your son doesn't even look like he's breathing hard<br>

The rowers - What can I say. I tried putting a black mat around it (w/ PSE) and it looks even better. Contact Tony Evans and have him frame it for you. It belongs in a frame on a wall.</p>

<p>Roger - Love the cars (I remember most of them).<br>

Camus - Raindrop - perfect<br>

Sean - Wow<br>

Javier - Like the #1 the best - captures the vast expanse as well as foreground.<br>

Haig - You couldn't have set up #1 any better. With drivers like that, who looks at the scenery?<br>

My contributions follow:</p><div>00V6TP-194621584.jpg.d79189a7503ef46a119dc97ceea4fc63.jpg</div>

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