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7D ghosting?


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<p>I read where some 7Ds had an issue with ghosting, with images taken in burst mode. A recent firmware update was sent to address this issue. Anyway, I was goofing around tonight and I took the following image (to make some friends jealous!) and I see the Guinness neon sign made quite a ghosted image. Is this typical? I've never seen anything like this. Is this lens flare, with a neon sign?<br>

<img src="http://tonyfletcher.com/~pickup/Sites/filechute/mmmmmbeer.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>The lens is the Canon EF-S 17-55 2.8 IS. There is a "sharp cut" UV filter on it.<br>

I always thought-and expected-lens flare to come from the side, across the lens. I'm surprised to see it here, almost in front of the lens?<br>

The beer is good! There's a brewery here in town that lets you brew your own. I made 15 gallons of porter with some friends. The joke of the photo is that they bottled their share and I put mine in a 5 gallon soda keg. I was just rubbing it in!</p>

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<p>The filter causes internal reflections from strong light sources. Remove the filter and it's likely the ghosting will go away.</p>


<p>It's a lot easy to make that beer go away than flare and ghosting. I have the 17-55 and it flares without the filter. Amazingly, there are 19elements in that fat little barrel. Light must really struggle to get to the other side! Unfortunately there is a downside to all those elements: flare. Flare isn't bad--it's better than most consumer zooms--but is not as well controlled as the EF 17-40 4L USM or EF 24-105 4L IS USM. Sunsets and bright lights at night result in more ghosting and flare than my L zooms and primes. Still, it's pretty darn good.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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