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OM 28-48mm f/4

patrick j dempsey

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<p>Any opinions on this lens? I'm considering it and other than rather generic comments about speed and view angles (the two most obvious qualities) I'm not seeing much in the way of reviews. I know it's a pretty old zoom, but as I spend almost all of my time on this end of the range (24mm, 40mm, 50mm, wide end of 35-70mm) I thought this might be a fun investment. I wouldn't expect it to be as nice as the 24mm f/2.8, but how does it compare at least? Is distortion a big deal with this lens? Is there one part of the range more solid than another part? Any known quirks?</p>
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<p>It's the one lens I wish I had not sold. Normally I just do not get along with zooms very well but this one proved to be a very useful walk around lens. Not blazing fast but f4 throughout it's range and very compact. Image quality was good enough in my opinion but I don't print larger than 8 X 10 so YMMV. I do have the 35~70 3.5~4.5, very small and light but it mostly just sits. I sold the 28-48 to help finance a Zuiko I always wanted and use a lot, the 85 f2.</p>

<p>My standard kit for an OM now is: 24 f2.8, 35 f2.8, 85 f2, 135 f3.5, and a 200 f5. Not all lenses are in the bag at all times. For a walk it will be the 35 mounted and the 85 in a vest pocket. For a longer trip I'll have all 5 at least where I can retrieve them.</p>

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<p>Thanks guys, that's what I wanted to hear! I'm not particularly fond of zooms in general but I've found the 35-70mm f/3.5-4.5 to be well worth every penny (even though it wasn't many). From the description on mir.com it sounds like it's much better built than the 35-70, but they really didn't have much of anything to say about the image quality. My 24mm 2.8 has suffered from a focus issue for some time (it focuses beyond infinity) and repairs on it run more than buying this lens, although I do want the 24 repaired, I also wanted something usable in the meantime. KEH should be sending it soon. :)</p>
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<p>I had one briefly, about 4 years ago. It had been advertised as 24-48mm, confirmed as such over the phone, and invoiced by the dealer as such. It did not occur to me the doubt its range. I took several films before I realised it was not covering the 24mm field of my, then defunct, Tamron 24-48mm lens.<br>

The results were very good. They were so good that I purchased another for my wife when I passed my OM2n on to her.</p>

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<p>I think it had some barrel distortion at the wide end, but from what I recall of the OM Mailing List users felt its performance was decent to good for a compact zoom lens of the time.<br>

If you can pick one in nice condition and don't pay over the odds you could probably get your money back if you don't like it.</p>

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<p>Most Zuikos are quite easy to dissassemble (and reassemble). :-) Thankfully. Just be carefull, one can not find these zooms around each corner.<br>

When it comes to optical quality, it is more than fine for me. It has some strange bokeh at f4, but it can be used to your advantage.<br>

It is not very usable for me, because I like shallow DOF, which this one doesn't give me, but I had fun with it and find the construction very good. Too bad that the front element moves when focusing.<br>

Anyways, good lens, good price, keep it. :-)</p>

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I cant get into the technical niceities of this lens, as I have used this lens many a times on my overseas travels when shooting slide films. Words dont do this little lens justice as it has bailed me out from going back & forth on changing lenses to offer me the advantage of 4 usable lenses in one handy dandy unit. I get the magnification & fields of views that I require indoors with flash. I shoot interiors of churches and all I can say is that it is sharp when I project them in lectures. I've always felt that a photographer should concentrate on getting his shot and this reduces all of the ancilliary little distraction of carrying different lenses around epecially today with overseas travel and TSA & foreign custom peek-a-boo searches & explainations. So I am sure that you will be happy with this if you can find on in good optical and physical condition. I would buy another one if I found on in excellent condition. Good luck, get one in good shape and I bet you a cup of coffee & a doughnut that you will be thrilled at what this little dandy can do for your pictures and less strain on your shoulder & kit bag.</p>

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I cant get into the technical niceities of this lens, as I have used this lens many a times on my overseas travels when shooting slide films. Words dont do this little lens justice as it has bailed me out from going back & forth on changing lenses to offer me the advantage of 4 usable lenses in one handy dandy unit. I get the magnification & fields of views that I require indoors with flash. I shoot interiors of churches and all I can say is that it is sharp when I project them in lectures. I've always felt that a photographer should concentrate on getting his shot and this reduces all of the ancilliary little distraction of carrying different lenses around epecially today with overseas travel and TSA & foreign custom peek-a-boo searches & explainations. So I am sure that you will be happy with this if you can find on in good optical and physical condition. I would buy another one if I found on in excellent condition. Good luck, get one in good shape and I bet you a cup of coffee & a doughnut that you will be thrilled at what this little dandy can do for your pictures and less strain on your shoulder & kit bag.</p>

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