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Shutter button down


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<p>I purchased a used Pentax 67 II from KEH = when it arrived, I put in batteries but discovered, much to my horror, that the shutter button seems to be in the depressed position. I tried to load film but the film advance lever will only advance once - sort of like there is film in the camera even though the back is open.<br>

I assume that the camera is in need of repair but before I return it to KEH, I thought I would ask the community whether/not there is something I have overlooked.<br>

Thanks in advance for your help.</p>

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<p>I don't want to imply that KEH is at fault. These things happen and they have been very helpful with the return-for-refund process - actually received a separate call to make sure everything was in order. <br>

I have purchased a host of equipment from KEH and have never had a problem with their service or their products. I suspect that this is probably a case where the camera body was not checked out as thoroughly as it should have been.<br>

I only posted the question because, although I have used the Pentax 6x7 and 67 cameras, I have not used the 67 II body and was "hoping" that there was someting I simply overlooked which was leading to the problem.<br>

Anyway, thanks for the replies. I have returned the camera for refund.</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Russ, There you go using that word "screwed"! Please don't do that it gets me all hot and lathered up. I'm going to chase my wife around the house as soon as I get off this f*****g computer. Thanks for getting my heart pumping again!<br>

John, I'm with you when it comes to the service and customer care that KEH offers and would be hard pressed to find a better dealer in used equipment. My local shop could match them, but that might be because they knew me. Also, the local shop could never match KEH's prices.</p>

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