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Behind lens shutter for sinar


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<p>I was looking at acquiring a behind the lens shutter for a sinar. i plan on using the camera for 8x10 mainly, occasionally 4x5. i do mostly location shoots, with some night work thrown in, etc. long story short, minimal studio work. should I use the Expolux system with its auto setting computer control or the mechanical shutter? I occasionally use flash, will they both work with standard pc-sync flash cords?</p>
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<p>I own a behind the lens mechanical sinar shutter and both types can be used with flash with the proper connector cord, the mechanical can be had for a lot less money, and probably over years will be more accurate and a lot less headaches the only drawback is speed 1/60 being your fastest speed on the mechanical but with 8x10 speed probably isn't a big concern..</p>
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<p>For location shooting the expolux with all the control modules, batteries and cables could be a messy system to work with especially at night. <br>

Part and reapirability of the electronic system is another factor to consider.<br>

The expolux is not automatic out of the box, you need to program it to your spot readings and it calculated the exposure base on your highlight, shadow and midtone reading.<br>

The only reason to use the electronic shutter is the highest speed of 1/500.<br>

They both have a standard pc outlet.<br>

When shooting outdoors and on location I usually use an external spot metre as opposed to the metre probe in the metering back. Just less equipment to bring, setup and test before shooting.</p>

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<p>oh so if i use the expolux monitor or the module II I will need to program it?<br>

I must admit, the speed increase does seem beneficial, in addition to the expolux being able to do longer exposures than the mechanical... guess it comes down to which can I find cheaply.<br>


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<p>To use the digital shutter which goes from 1/500 to 30 sec there is no programming involved. You can use the digital shutter by itself to get the wide shutter speed range and a nice bright f stop display in LED instead of trying to see the scale on the side of the mechanical Copal shutter in a dim studio environment.<br>

To use the exposure computer you need to program in or calibrate the highlight shadow limits of your film or reproduction workflow.</p>

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