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Reinstalling LR2

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<p>Hello everyone. I need advice and hope you can help.</p>

<p>I have Lightroom 2 on a mac and it is crashing on me every time I use it. I've had it for about 8 months or more and it has never had problems until now. I get that spinning wheel and then the whole computer freezes up and I have to shut it down manually. It only seems to happen about 10 minutes after I open LR but I'm also having smaller problems when I use Safari.</p>

<p>A friend suggested I uninstall LR then reinstall it. I think my computer may have a virus so I'm considering wiping the hard drive and starting everything over from scratch.</p>

<p>My question is, what steps do I need to take in order to save all of the color correction, cropping, etc. information that I have done to each image. I have the catalog backed up to an external drive but will that save all of the editing I've done to the images? Thanks.</p>

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<p>yes, all the editing is saved in the catalog. you must not lose that.</p>

<p>you might want to remove any preferences before you 'uninstall' since uninstalling generally consists of only removing the applicaiton from the /Applications folder but leaves other stuff around (which is probably what is hosing you).</p>

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