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Are you "suspicious" in your area because you carry a camera?

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<p>I don't think i matters what type camera - be it mobile phone - P&S - DSLR - SLR MF or Large format... it depends on area at times. And policy - and the BS games that go on in this country.</p>

<p>For a while the two ajacent counties in our area - were having this on going battle for a while as to whether it was legal or illegal to shoot in a public area or private area.</p>

<p>One county as taking the position No, the other Yes... the rest that occured was probaly BS - staged to change or ammend policy.</p>

<p>In the original posters incedent - with-out knowing what she looks like - manner of dress etc - (ie: did she actually look suspicous or like the average person taking a walk stopig to take a pic) - Flags woud go up due to at least one of the questions by the cops - Perhaps she missed a pic they didn't want her to take?</p>

<p> There's only so many coincidences that occur before you have know - or at least have a gut feeling - they aren't coincidences. Just be careful your not the pawn or the guinni pig because you carry a camera.</p>

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<p>PS: that is why i didn't become a journalist photographer - not only does the media manipulate - but the media can <em>be</em> manipulated...</p>

<p>And talk about suspicion<br>

- Two cops stop a person walking down the street taking pics claiming they look suspicous, according the origianl post, and never mentioned the "occuring break ins in the area....?"</p>

<p>Ask - "No pics of cops?"</p>

<p>And someone else just happens to ask What she is doing and "Offers" the excuse of suspicion due to break ins in the area...</p>

<p>The entire scenerio is suspect.</p>

<p>just my two or three cents</p>

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<p>Oh boy. I'm a camera reviewer and the hassle I get every time I point a camera at someTHING, much less someONE! I think the only time I haven't been harassed is when I reviewed the Sony 70-200/2.8 lens (yeah, it's white).<br>

Some people are incredibly paranoid. Once I've walked past a house and seen some nice flowers in front of the house (with a regular side-walk in between; we don't have front yards here). So I kneeled down to take some pictures (facing the street, with my back to the house), and the owner, who has seen me, has knocked on his window. After I turned around, he gestured me to go away.<br>

People are sometimes less intimidated with a small camera, i wonder why.<br>

Be glad you don't live in Easter Europe.</p>

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<p>My sympathies Jeannean…<br>

<br />After taking the picture below I had to walk past the mums on the beach that had toddlers in the paddling pool (the almost indistinguishable tiny figures in the distance of my ultra-wide angle image). Nothing was said but I should be dead from the looks alone.</p>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9499353-sm.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><a href="../photodb/photo.tcl?photo_id=9499353&size=lg">link to full size photo</a></p>


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<p>Ha! I draw more suspicious looks when I'm NOT carrying a camera. You can always tell them you are working on a photographic assignment/project on fear and paranoia in our society. I imagine we could have a lengthy thread on quick responses and smart ass answers, eh?</p>
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<p>I just HAVE to add this...<br>

Yesterday I went out in my t-shirt my daughter brought home from her trip in D.C. to take some photo's. I really got a weird feeling everywhere I went.. I cleared the dog park... Hmm I though people are really feeling odd about me being here... So today I find this post and I cant help but LAUGH.. I had on a FBI t-shirt.... ;o)</p>

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