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Wedding with Canon 7D ISO between 1600 and 3200

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<p>I just shot a wedding with the Canon 7D using ISO between 1600 and 3200 and thought I'd share some images here.<br>

<img src="http://www.photoerrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/NP-PE-03.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://www.photoerrant.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/NP-PE-06.jpg" alt="" width="430" height="278" /></p>

<p>Check out more here : <a href="http://www.photoerrant.com/canon-7d-for-wedding/">http://www.photoerrant.com/canon-7d-for-wedding/</a></p>

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<p>Looks good from here. Can we get a couple of 100% crops? I've been going nuts trying to choose between the 5DII & the 7D ever since the latter came out. These shots just may have clinched the deal.</p>

<p>I'm curious, too. What lens(es) are you using?</p>

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<p>If you need 100% crops you're just looking for fault. Those images are great! I don't see any reason to spend more bucks on FF. I would say it's more important to know how to use the tools that you have. My personal experience has demonstrated that if you expose an image properly you will get great results even @ 3200. </p>
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<p>If you need 100% crops you're just looking for fault.</p>


<p>Yes, indeed. All tools have faults. In this particular instance, I'm looking for the tool whose faults will have the least negative impact on my results. Where's the problem in that?</p>

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<p>I Just got home from a 3 day indian wedding.<br>

I've packed the Nikon D700, Canon 5D Mark IIs and the Canon 7D.<br>

I found myself using the Canon 7D almost 70% during the 3 days.<br>

Will post some images up soon.<br>

<img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/7D-Nomad-1.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/7D-Nomad-2.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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<p>A little update on the Canon 7D for wedding.<br>

I started this threat a few days ago without really given any personal impression on the camera during an actual wedding... yet.<br>

I have shot numerous model portfolios and fashion events with this camera and have shot a few weddings with it so far.<br>

First impressions:<br>


I'm a fan of vertical grip and all my cameras have either built in or added vertical grip (Canon 5D, 1D3, 5D2s Nikon D300, D700) but with the Canon 7D, I like its compactness and have not felt the need to add a vertical grip. The new design of the body is a real joy to handle and the layout of the buttons allows the camera to be used one hand for both stills and video (of course if you put a 400 f/2.8 in front of it you'll need more than one hand).<br>

The design of the right thumb area is curiously similar to the Nikon design but more ergonomic IMO.<br>


The new AF system of the C7 is a real joy. I played around with all the configurations of the zone AF including AF orientation but there are habits that one can't change so I get back to my one AF point with no AF orientation (same AF point in landscape and portrait mode).<br>

Actually I also use the wrap around AF points which helps focus at a maximum of 5 AF points. I use mainly one shot AF mode.<br>

My personal settings only allows the camera to fire when focus is locked and the AF beep is OFF. This method requires a bit of practice when shooting moving subject, especially when the FoB walks the bride down the aisle where you need to focus with strong back light.<br>

I found myself struggling with only 9 AF points of my 5D2s after using the C7, especially with my newly acquired Canon TS-E 24 mm f/3.5 L II.<br>


The buffer is one of my priority in a camera for my style of shooting. The C7 has a buffer of 12 frames in full resolutions (CR2) and I found that with same CF the C7 clears the buffer way faster than my 1D3, 5D2s or my Nikon's, of course the file size is different but dual Magic IV helps a lot here.<br>

I also enjoy the different RAW file sizes and use the medium size (9.9 MP) alot.<br>

I am not a big fan of pixel peeping and have always walked away in discussion at pixel size but I can tell that I am very happy with the quality of my prints in M-CR2 size for double spread album size.</p>


IQ is a sensitive subject where appreciation is proper to each of us. For some, a good IQ is a porcelain clear texture and detail... I think that everyone should be free to have his own style and I must say I do add noise in my images in post.<br>

The C7 is very capable of high IQ images in this department. I will need to post some images here very soon (thanks Nadine for the reminder) but at this time I am expanding my server for storage and back up so the files are still in the CFs ...<br>

In term of highlight "awesomeness" I still prefer my 1D3 for its high tone priority. I haven't found the same highlight quality in my other Canon or Nikon's bodies, including the Canon 7D.</p>


I use to limit myself @ ISO 800 and use a lot of balanced flash, with shutter speed around 1/8th of a second if needed.<br>

With the C7, ISO 800 is my entry point and I don't hesitate to go all the way up to 6400 and that with lens @ f2 or wider.<br>

I shoot action and I like to have the speed to stop it.<br>

Here is a short list of what I use in the ISO department<br>

<img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/ISO.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>As mentioned earlier, I add grain in my images so it doesn't relly bother me to have some noise. Amazingly, the C7 handle noise very well, especially in the ISO 1600 to 3200 area.<br>

I don't really look at the IQ of an image straight out of the camera because I do charge people money for <strong>edited</strong> images and expose my images that will allow me to get the best IQ out of a frame.<br>

I mainly use DPP to edit my CR2 files.<br>

Here is a 100% crop of an SOOC image shot @ ISO 6400 with the 5D2 (my C7 files are still on my CFs remember ?).<br>

Image shot in S-Mode @ 9.9 Megapixels.<br>

I would put the "softness" of this <strong>non edited</strong> image on the camera shake by the end of 3 day shooting this awesome wedding.</p>

<p><img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/ISO6400.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>More to come soon, from Australia</p>

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<p>Thanks for the crop and the update Omega. Your impressions and the most recent reviews make it look like I'll have an extra $1000 to put into glass and other accessories. My landscapes will have to wait till next year for the 5DII. I appreciate your efforts here.</p>
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<p>Hi Phil,</p>

<p>I've done some landscape as well with the 7D...</p>

<p><img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/NPW-1.jpg" alt="" /><br>

I added grain to the image above in post.</p>

<p><img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/NPW-2.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/NPW-3.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/NPW-4.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://nomadphotography.com.au/Poub/NPW-5.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>I've put these same images bigger here: <a href="http://nomadphotography.com.au/blog/2009/11/nomad-landscape/">http://nomadphotography.com.au/blog/2009/11/nomad-landscape/</a></p>

<p>I'll be posting more from weddings with this awesome camera soon.</p>

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<p ><a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/user?user_id=1838872">Phil B</a> <a href="http://www.photo.net/member-status-icons"><img title="Subscriber" src="http://static.photo.net/v3graphics/member-status-icons/sub5.gif" alt="" /></a>, Nov 07, 2009; 08:40 a.m.<br>

Thanks for the crop and the update Omega. Your impressions and the most recent reviews make it look like I'll have an extra $1000 to put into glass and other accessories. My landscapes will have to wait till next year for the 5DII. I appreciate your efforts here.</p>



<p>Don't discount the 7D for landscape. I used to own a 1Ds Mk2, and found that even with good L glass, there was some softness and distortion on the edges and corners. Put the same glass on the 7D and sharp to the edge. I'm willing to loose a tiny bit of rez to have sharp corners and edges.</p>


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<p>Thanks Omega,<br>

I'm looking to get another body, I would love to have both the 7d and a full frame camera . I've tried the the 7d and I liked it a lot, from what I saw the 7d was not that far behind the 5d MKII, at very large prints I,m sure the 5d would beat it.What you shoot is verey similar to me I,m not a big wildlife or sports person, only occasionaly. Above you mentioned you have both thease cameras. Is there a massive difference in terms of IQ between them? And if you had to choose one what would it be?</p>

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