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Picture of the week, November 1, 2009


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<p>Each of you have inspiring photos. Dorus - I really like the way you "see" things.<br>

Last week the local camera shop (locally owned and in business since 1967) invited folks out for a night photo walk at a local icon (a very cool bridge across the Sacramento River).<br>

This is what appeared.</p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2712/4064348835_c689cc9799.jpg" alt="" width="612" height="893" /></p>

<p><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2734/4064346427_d05912bb00_m.jpg" alt="" width="612" height="385" /></p>

<p> </p>

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<p>I have a few pictures on a Halloween theme. The first is a pumpkin that I carved for the kids, in the form of the Mona Lisa (my apologies to Leonardo). K200D, 18-55mm @42mm, f4.5, 1.5 sec (tripod), ISO 100 lit with a candle inside and a flashlight bulb behind. The second two are from my neighbourhood at around 8:30 last night: while the kids were trick-or-treating, fire trucks and police cars came by and stopped about a block away. Both shots are with the 18-15II kit lens ISO 800, hand held at f/4.5. Thanks to shake reduction, they are at 0.7 seconds (!) and 1/10 sec. exposures.</p><div>00Utk0-185887584.JPG.33f194f97bef962cd2204075f647dddd.JPG</div>
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<p>Well, its been a busy week for me as you'll see from the picture... still busy actually so I'll only comment on a couple of the shots. Bob, love the Foggy Cairns, what an amazing atmosphere. Hin, looks like the new lens is a keeper. The main reason i love my lensbaby so much is the circular highlights. Anyway, busy busy, so I'll keep it short.</p><div>00UtpG-185935884.jpg.9c9b0b659a4d3626bcd0b13c0c3bfa24.jpg</div>
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<p>Took my lighting kit to a friend's Halloween party last night and set up a studio in the basement... <br /><br /> <img src="http://trentwhaley.smugmug.com/Events/Eileen-and-Marks-Halloween/IMGP2013/699614938_SMMpt-L.jpg" alt="" /><br /> K10d, FA50/1.4, 2x bare flashpoint BF160 crosslit<br /> <a href="http://trentwhaley.smugmug.com/Events/Eileen-and-Marks-Halloween/">More images here</a><br /> I Just realized that I've wrapped my filenames sometime this summer and I'm now at ~12000 shutter activations on my K10d.</p>
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<p>So many cool images this week that I'll comment on later.<br>

The monsoons and darkness have descended on the Pacific Northwest. It's time for flash and serious post processing.<br>

Two from our garden, one from my daughter's soccer game yesterday.</p>

<p>Wild ginger<br>

<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/699830562_LezMn-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, 35mm Limited Macro, f 8 @ 1/45, ISO 400 + Sigma Closeup Ring Flash</p>

<p>Late October<br>

<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/699830645_ZiXbW-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

K20D, 35mm Limited Macro, f 8 @ 1/45, ISO 800 + Sigma Closeup Ring Flash</p>

<p>Throw In<br>

<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/699845144_vFuL5-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, Sigma (Bigma) 50-500mm @ 63mm, f 5.6 @ 1/3000, ISO 400</p>


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<p>Ryan - So precious! You better snap away. <br>

We know what you mean about being busy...our little guy has had me seriously hand-tied for 16 weeks now. I have learned that walking around a reception while wearing him is fairly easy. Standing in a studio setting and shooting 1 handed... not so much. Going on drives for the express purpose of taking pics - darn near impossible when the new boss hates his car seat. :D</p>

<p>So halloween is just past us - so it's not too hard to guess what we would be taking pictures of. Trunk or Treat at our church and then at our school a week later. 1.5hrs & about 45 sittings each, I was worn out good - but it's always a load of fun.</p><div>00UtrF-185959584.thumb.jpg.4dcd73274921f4942e981fa37a05e92c.jpg</div>

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<p>Good start John.. I like that saloon..<br>

I'd like to make a suggestion that might get things a bit more organized. If people posting their shots will put down how many they are going to post, then the next person who is starting to post might wait a couple of minutes, and we don't end up with such a mess :-)<br>

3 from me this week.. and I'm afraid you'll be suffering with Sydney and environs photos for a bit.<br>

#1 is from Catherine Hill Bay (2 hrs drive north of Sydney). I was told this was used for loading coal onto barges</p><div>00UtrN-185961584.jpg.042b13f8d69474ed40480a25b2640fd2.jpg</div>

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<p>Well what else are we going to do, but take pix of our girls and their hauls? Ele came in, immediately sat down, and started taking inventory from her bucket. They've been quite entertaining lately. We need a video forum to brag about our kids in. :-)</p><div>00UtrY-185961784.jpg.48017a83b945fff9df9dbb7f1e79771c.jpg</div>
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<p>I could tell you all, but then I would have to ......<br />It's actually not difficult in photoshop, and easier to do with subjects that have clearly defined borders. Use the magic wand to highlight the car.. invert, then apply some gaussian blur and use the levels tool to darken (the background).. voila. Car stands out and the background is all fuzzy. It is a bit time consuming to clean up edges etc..<br />Oh forgot one thing.. when you invert, so you have the background that's highlighted, create a second layer (control J on a pc) to work in and do the blurring etc..</p>
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<p>I want to thank those who commented on my shot of the Micca Saloon. I didn't have time to really do anything with these photos except convert them with Picassa at work. There are a few more in my portfolio in photo net.<br>

I can't name everyone, but there were lots of very impressive images this week, better, I think, than usual. Good job, everyone.<br>

Thanks again, John</p>

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<p>My three from fashion show at Club Social. <br>

<a title="2186 by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackfist2k2/4060758037/"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2425/4060758037_45ab765d01.jpg" alt="2186" width="400" height="500" /></a><br>

<a title="2231 by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackfist2k2/4060757785/"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2659/4060757785_79fd96c6e1.jpg" alt="2231" width="335" height="500" /></a><br>

<a title="2157 by Mr. Gosh Darn Wonderful, on Flickr" href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/blackfist2k2/4049447620/"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2444/4049447620_16cb4ec0f5.jpg" alt="2157" width="335" height="500" /></a></p>

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