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<p>Hello Canon users!Well I have decided to make the leap. I love my D300 but when you buy a camera you buy into the entire system. That said, Nikon is currently not catering to me. Honestly I feel that I have to make too many compromises. With Nikon I am forced to use their proprietary Raw converter, use 3rd party or variable aperture optics if I want VR. No constant F4 optics for that matter and no ultra wide tilt shift. Oh did I mention, most of the time I have to pay a slight premium for nikon branded equipment. Anyway not to bash Nikon, I know I will be making a trade off in other areas. So help me choose..please. my greatest source of income from photography is as follows Events/Portrait/Product/Real-estate. The two camera's I am considering are the 5DII and the 7D. The 7D seems very much like a D300s. If I went this route, my lens choices would be as follows: 10-22/17-55/60 macro/70 - 200 F4 IS and a 580 EX II or maybe the 430? If I went 5D: 17mm TSE/ 24 - 105/ 100macro IS + 50 1.4. I am torn. The 7D is very versatile but the FF has better, cleaner IQ. My only fear is the rather slow flash sync speed. As far as I can tell max sync speed is 200 and no focal plane probability. Also, not quite sure how good the AF is. I do love to photograph my 3 dogs. What are your thoughts </p>
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<p>The diff between 1/250 (7D) and 1/200 (5DII) flash sync is nothing. Zip.</p>

<p>All E-TTL capable EOS bodies from the 1995 Elan II onwards can do FP flash (high speed sync) with an EX series Speedlite. The 7D and 5DII are not exceptions in this regard.</p>

Sometimes the light’s all shining on me. Other times I can barely see.

- Robert Hunter

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<p>The reason I switched to Canon from Nikon when I converted from film to digital was the autofocus. Nikon focus with their screw drive lenses was light years behind Canon. They're not so bad with their AFS (I think) lenses with internal motors. You're right about the irritation of having to pay extra for Nikon software to read their RAW files - stupid marketing decision.</p>
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<p>I am considering a switch as well. I have used the d300 and now the d700. I love them both but they are no match for quality and clarity (in my opinion) to the 5dMarkii. I had the opportunity to try a 5dmarkii out but couldn't get use to the functions. Everything seem to be opposite. Maybe I didn't give it time. What was your experience with the switch? How long did it take you to 'relearn' the functions? Thanks!</p>
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<p>how deep are you in nikon system?if not much, you do seem to know what you want from canon,i have the 7d and i love this camea but i also hear that the d300s is very cam,what you gona get with canon is more and better selction of lenses at better price and better availability,better video if you are into it.</p>
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<p>I don't have a lot invested in terms of lenses, etc. I use my 50mm, f1.4 exclusively for portrait work (it was FREE!) and just bought a SB-600. I usually rent lenses for weddings. I have spent money on a cheaper camera and lenses but sold them for almost nothing (when I was starting out). I would probably lose $$$ when I sell the d300.</p>
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<p>This doesn't help answer the question, but you might find it interesting nevertheless. I'm a Canon shooter, but I'm surrounded by Nikon fanatics, including my girlfriend, and Nikon fanatics are as loyal as Mac fanatics, so I always took a lot of friendly abuse and secretly wondered if I was missing something. Anyway, last night we went to a Lightroom class at the local camera store and the instructor was a professional photographer and Nikon fanatic. He used his own RAW images from a D300 and 50mm prime to teach the class and I can tell you that the images from my Canon 40D and 17-55 f/2.8 lens are much sharper and cleaner than his were. That's only one data point, but I'm not secretly wondering anymore.</p>
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<p>Canon is better than Nikon!</p>

<p>Actually, I've never used Nikon stuff but I can't imagine they'd still be as highly regarded as they are if their equipment wasn't up to par. I've been using Canon for over 20 years and I haven't been disappointed nor have I found a reason to switch and I would imagine there are many in both the Canon and Nikon camps who fit into that category.</p>

<p>As to your original question, I think you are in the perfect position to go the full frame route and get the 5DmkII. The 7D is probably very capable, but the 5DII is a well proven performer and for your stated purposes, it sounds like it would be perfect. That's what I would do if I were in your position.</p>

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