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Walkaround Umbrella


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I was shooting at the London MCM Expo on saturday, us kids cosplaying :) I observed one of my fellow photogs resting a reflective umbrella on his shoulder to bounce the light forward. I couldn't see if it was a strobe or flash. I was wondering if anyone knows what the quality of light is like. A fair bit of the light is obscured by his shoulder, I'd imagine.</p>




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<p>Only one way to find out--try it. I would guess that it would be about the same as if he used an umbrella half the size of the one he had.</p>

<p>There used to be a Larson product called the Sof Shoulder which was based on the same idea, only the bracket held the umbrella up so it wasn't obscured.</p>

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<p>Thanks Nadine! Only problem is I don't have an umbrella or flash adaptor for the umbrella :( Would like to know how the quality of light is before I put money in. May get a reflective umbrella next payday then ;-)</p>


<br /> Alvin</p>

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<p>Alvin--I would think it would be easy to make a facsimile of the half umbrella. Just a white piece of paper would work A regular umbrella covered with a white bed sheet...just for the test.</p>

<p>I would think the quality of the light would be better than direct flash from a shoemount, but similar to if you used a large A Better Bounce Card, which itself is not as good as directional light from a large umbrella. The shoulder umbrella isn't far enough on one side or the other to make much of a difference in directionality. Also height.</p>

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Alvin, I've used a handheld umbrella to get soft directional lighting both indoors and outdoors. I don't use a shoulder-mounted umbrella, though. Here are some of my results:










Best regards,


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