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Wedding Contract Issue


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<p> I need some help. I had a client that I did a wedding for. After completing her wedding and sending her a disk with almost 500 images she stated that she hated every image and felt she did not get the same quality of work as my other clients. She said her mother cried over the horrible images. (there were issues from day one with how they wanted things done and how my contract states I do things) I emailed her back and told her I would go through the images again and see if I thought there may be something that she may like better. I received an email from her demanding every image be emailed to her unedited, immediately. I responded by telling her that I do not keep every image and that it would take many emails to send her these images. I told her that we could meet and go through them together. She emailed me again stating that there were not enough quality images for printing and that she thinks the following resolution is best.... she keeps the cd with with the images I have provided, with the rights to print the photos of her choice. In lieu of that, she will not get the enlarged prints, slideshow, or 4x6s that came with her package. I will also return $200.00 to her immediately. I have not responded to this but I am thinking why would she want a disc with images that she hates? Why would she want the rights to print them? I want to make it right by my client but I am just wondering if she just is taking the fact that she has the disk and can now print her own images and running with it.</p>
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<p>she stated that she hated every image</p>


<p>Your client has to come up with a better reason than "I hate these" in order to demand recompense. You have to be proven negligent or incompetent in some way that breaches your contract. If you know your work is up to par, then don't stand to be bullied like this. It sounds like she is just trying to get something for nothing. You should complete your end of the contract (any prints included in the package) and you should expect full payment. Unless there really is something wrong with your pictures....</p>

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<p>I would like to make the client happy if possible but if it comes down to it the contract states that I can not be held liable for more than the contract amount. I have been paid in full but can not print her images until she has made her selections.</p>
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<p><em>Why would she want the rights to print them?</em><br /><em></em><br />E-mails that say she wants images that she hates and cries over...</p>

<p>Lawyers call this evidence. Better ones call it inadmissible settlement discussions. I suspect more interesting e-mails are on the way. Keep track of them. Something may hit. In the meantime, follow your contract obligations.</p>

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<p>It appears no matter what you do, this client will never be happy.<br>

If this is the case,( and you are concerned about word of mouth) I would not return a dime.</p>

<p>1)How many weddings have you done vs how many complaints of this nature?<br>

2) Are the photos good in your opinion?</p>

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<p> I believe the photos are good. I have asked her to sit down with me and go over them. This is when I received the email wanting the other settlement. This is the only wedding I have ever had a complaint on. I am currently trying to come up with the best response to this. I am trying to conclude my contract and all that is left to do is give her the prints she chooses. With the disk, she can print those herself and I have taught myself a new lesson in how I will handle the matter of giving out disks. In the meantime I still would like to complete this. I had an issue when I did her bridals and I offered to do her bridals again and she refused. I did some adjustments to the images and then I offered her out of her wedding contract as some on here suggested. Then she liked the bridals and did not want out of her contract or to get another photographer. I had to stay in and I have been keeping every piece of email and I have also been keeping notes. I thought it may be a bumpy ride.</p>
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<p>Call an attorney before you attempt anything. Initially it may sound good to just do what she asks. The money she's requesting may be as much as it's going to cost you to make her prints, etc., so why not just be done with her? The problem is that you have no guarantee that she won't want something else. If it doesn't go smoothly, you're going to wind up calling the attorney anyway, so why not seek out some advice from the person you may need to go to when it doesn't go smoothly.<br>

All of us on the forum have various business experiences, but NONE of us are attorneys....-Aimee</p>

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You can't make everyone happy. Quite often if relations with a person are funky at the beginning, it will keep up through the job. I have never done a photo shoot, but anything (non photography) I do I charge top dollar and have a little room to give and take. But she has no respect for the contract, unless I am missing something. It's people like her we have them for.


I had a girlfriend with good strong phone manners call a customer once, she put him on the speaker phone and went over the facts with him. His voice was quaking; not knowing how many people, or who you are talking to is quite disconcerting. Sometimes, if your customer is playing fast and loose, you have to squash their argument and box them in. After all, she won't give you a referral, and if she did, you wouldn't want that customer.


Just my 2 cents. Best of luck!

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<p>She has not said anything about the images directly... such as contrast, sharpness, etc.... all she has said is that the pictures are cropped too closely for her taste, there were not enough images of her cousins, just things like that. I am not sure what it is that she wants and I have asked her to meet and she now agrees but wants me to edit all the images again, that were taken on that day. She wants me to bring them with me to the meeting ASAP. I don't believe that she understands it takes time to edit these images and I have other clients as well. I did ask her in three seperate emails to supply me with a list of shots that she wanted taken. I provide a shots checklist with each contract. She never filled it out and returned it to me. She also stated that someone would show me important people at her wedding and no one stepped up. I did ask her brother who helped me identify a few people but that was it. I also asked to meet with her to go over the schedule for the day. She did not have time to meet. I am thinking I will be making a new contract because she is picking mine too pieces. I assume there are some gray areas. One such thing is that my contract states that I am the exclusive photographer but I had issues with everyone taking pictures and flash interferance. She says that I was the exclusive photographer because they are just people with cameras. It seems I need to add a no camera clause for the ceremony. If anyone has any ideas of the best contract, I would love some help revising mine.</p>
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