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New Products PW and RadioPopper


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<p>Dear,<br />I am going to purchase a set of wirelles triggers in near future. My first option would be wait for PW and new models for Nikon but the delay is on and I am not sure if my budget is up to afford it.<br />I do have Nikon gear + SU-800, Nikon Speedlights, Monolights and asssemble those in some moments - is my real world, thinking in locations.<br />Looking for other options, you can find SyberSync with his reliability and the new RadioPopper that promises link strobes and speedlights ( that would be really nice ) in <strong><em>JrX Transmitter and JrX Receiver Studio </em></strong>16 channels, 4 groups of control. Here with a great hand from Strobist.<br /><a href="http://radiopopper.com/blog/2009/08/14/the-big-jrx-announcement/">http://radiopopper.com/blog/2009/08/14/the-big-jrx-announcement/</a><br />Please, I would like to ask for some tips over those products and considering their features including HighSync for AB and Speedlights.<br />Tks, Rubens</p>
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<p>Having trouble with some of what you wrote (but I bet you do better in English than I would in your language), but here's the best I can do.</p>


<li>PW - I think their new products aren't up to the standards set by their old ones (MultiMax, Plus, etc). I got to play with the PW for Canon. It struck me as both very hard to work and very unreliable. I'll look at the Nikon version when it comes out, but I don't hold high hopes.</li>

<li>"SyberSync with his reliability" - do you mean Paul C. Buff's "Cyber Sync"? The receivers are shipping, but without the "CyberCommander" transmitter, you can't use them for anything other than basic slave triggers. They've been talking about CyberCommander for about 2 years now, without any sign of shipping. Does your comment about reliability have anything to do with Paul Buff's older "RR1" radio control system? Anyway, the CyberSync system provides no easy way to mix Nikon TTL with remote control of the studio lights.</li>

<li>Radio Popper - my opinion of these things has changed. Once I thought they couldn't work. Then I thought they were silly. But it seems to be a remarkably well though out system. Get the PX transmitter, stick it on an SU-800, and you can mix and match Nikon iTTL with Paul Buff studio strobes. JrX receivers on the strobes. For days when you're only working with the studio lights, the ligher JrX transmitter is handy. You can start with just JrX transmitters and receivers to run the studio lights (about $300 for one transmitter, 3 receivers, and all the cords you need) and Nikon strobes in manual mode, then add an SU-800 and PX transmitter (about $500, together) later. That "announcement" article is outdated, the JrX units are shipping, and full info is up on the radio popper site, as well as reviews on just about every major photography site, including photo.net ;) </li>


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<p>Hy joseph, <br>

Thank you. Sorry for any misunderstanding. You definitely got my points and “reliable” is related out of Paul C. Buff's brand (products and reviews).<br>

a) If you have time and thinking in Radiopopper solution, please explain me why some posts and guys are trying to plug Nikon AS-E900 flash adapter to Nikon speedlights instead of PX receiver?<br>

b) How come is possible assemble SU-800 into radiopopper setup? I could not follow you!<br>

Tks, Rubens</p>


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<p>Joseph: the cybercommander truly is close if you read the latest progress report. They're shipping to a few preorder customers next week AFAIK.<br>

Rubens: the reason for the ES900 hack is the RPCube hasn't been released. Unless you have the electronics gear already (soldering iron, multimeter, dexterous fingers, wire strippers, etc.), I'd just wait for it. I'm guessing it'll cost around $25 when released. The hack needs roughly $18 in parts and about 45min in time...I'm using it now and it works well ;-)</p>


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