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Nikon D300 Save/Load Function

vivid light photography

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<p>I just recently purchased a second Nikon D300 and started using the Save/Load function to revert my settings back on both cameras after use so they are set up the same each time I do a shoot. The issue I have is it works except for when I assign the Portrait picure control that was downloaded from the Nikon site. If I have the portrait picture control assigned to one of my banks and I do a save settings then load those settings in either the same D300 or my other D300 the portrait picture control doesn't transfer and that bank reverts back to the standard picture control. Seems like it only allows you to save or reload one of the three picture controls (Standard, Neutral, or Vivid). I formated an old 1GB card before saving a settings file on it if anyone was going to suggest that. Since I like to use the Portrait picture control I would like to be able to save a settings file with it and use it to load back on both my D300's after a day of making changes.<br>

Anyone else notice this or am I doing something wrong.</p>

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<p>I'm really just guessing, but my hunch is that the portrait picture control is not installed on the new D300 (it is not a default control!). Did you try download it from the Nikon site and install it on the new one, rather than transfer it from the older to the new body?</p>

<p>(since I always shoot RAW, I bother very little with these settings, so I might be way off).</p>

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<p>Hi Darrell</p>

<p>As I understand it the Save/Load function just saves setting as the name suggests. However in your case it can not transfer this setting to your other d300 because that setting is not possible until the Portrait Picture Control is not installed on that camera. So basically the saved setting can not call on a Picture Control that is not there. If you install the Portrait Picture Control on the new d300 the I bet the setting will trasfer no trouble.</p>

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<p>Thanks for the responses so far but both my D300's have the same additional picture controls (Portrait/Landscape/DX2I/DX2II) installed. Both camera's have all shooting and custom settings identical. What I did was save the settings using Save/Load function from one camera on a freshly formatted CF card. I changed some settings on both camera's. I loaded the CF card in each camera and used the load function. On both camera's when I check to see if my settings have been changed back to what I saved on the card all settings are except for one bank on each camera that I had saved the Portrait Picture Control to. The picture control is now set to Standard on the banks that had Portrait set. All other picture control settings are correct. The only thing I can figuire is that the Save/Load option will only save one of the four preloaded picture controls (Standard/Neutral/Vivid/Monocrome) and any added picture controls used are reverted back to Standard. This makes the Save/Load option less useful for me since I like to use the added Portrait picture control on my B bank.<br>

Any suggestions.</p>

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