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Exposed color film subjected to high temp for several months?


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Has anyone mistakenly, or purposely left exposed and processed color

film, Provia, Velvia, Kodak 100, etc. in extra hot conditions for

prolonged periods of time? I mistakenly left a box of exposed and

processed film in a storage shed in the desert, it can reach 130

degrees during the day. It has spent the summer there.... any ideas

of the consequences? Thank you.

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Exposed and processed... look at it and see.

Exposed and unprocessed... take it to the lab and be prepared for disappointment. But at least you'll be able to post to this list and tell us which ways the color shifted. That way, too, the silver will be reclaimed, so it won't be a total loss.

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As the earlier posters mentioned, the colors will probably have shifted. With that said, the results might still be very interesting... Robert Capa's photographs of the Normandy invasion were damaged by heat (during the drying stage) which gave them the blurry look that we now instantly associate with WWII.


Perhaps the pictures will get you a spot in Life magazine.



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