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Off Duty


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<p>I did my first 5K run this weekend, woohooo, I was happy with it, nice to just to finish, I wasn't too worried about what time I posted.<br>

Anyway, I'm walking around after the race, in my running gear, incoummunicado, and some guy asks me to take a photo of him and his friend. I say "ok" take the point and shoot from him and get ready to take the shot, he then asks me to make it candid, "no problem" I say. <br>

So they are chatting and I take two photos, I'd normally in that situation only take one, but after the first one the guy didn't turn back around and take the camera off me. So, I go to hand the camera back and he pushes it back at me and says "take some verticals, crop in real tight !". I had to double check I didn't have my 'I'm a pro' badge on or something ! I think "hey, whatever" and snap a couple more, vertical and in tight, just like he asked.<br>

Well, I've taken 5 or 6 now, but the guys are still talking, and in pose ! I go to hand the camera back and they ignore me, I snap a couple more, go to hand it back, ignored. It felt like I held the camera out for 2 mins before the guy finally turned around and took it from me.<br>

Of course, no "thank you" for it, but I guess you get used to that.<br>


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<p>You must be a very nice person. A lot of people wouldn't have been so cooperative. People who see me with my photo gear assume I must be a decent photographer and often ask me to take their picture with their camera. If they're nice I'll take as many as they want. I'll even give them photo advice. But these guys would have been finished after the first two shots.</p>
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