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Which white lighting should I get for a small room?


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<p>Hi everyone,<br /> So, I have read a lot of posts on this websites among others and have found a lot of info about Alien Bees and White Lightings.<br /> I'm am totally new to strobes and this will be my first kit. I am a little lost on how much power do I need for the room (living room) that I am gonna be using to shoot. It's 9' on the ceilings, 9.5' wide and 15' long. My objective is to shoot more portraits and some product shots. Once I get more familiar with the lights I will get a Vagabond II to shoot outside a bit. I would like to get some day shots in which I can over power the sun a bit to get that nice darker bg with the object lit effect. So, I was thinking on the x1600 but I'm not sure if it will be too much power for my small room... specially for the product shots. What about the x800? I'm concerned that I will be getting over exposed shots even by powering down on both lights. Is that something that I can control with diffusers and aperture? Sorry if I'm being a little to broad here. I will eventually incorporate more lights and equipments, but I think that starting with one light and accessories will get me started. I have read that it's better having more power than you need than not having enough when u need it. Will I be fine if I get the x800 first and then later on get the x1600? or vice versa? Softbox or Octobox?<br /> Thanks in advanced!</p>
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<p>Of those, for sure get the White Lightning X1600, because it is smaller (and larger) than the X800. It has the switch to convert it between a 660 watt second huge light, or to be a 160 watt second flash, a true small fast unit. Then it is NOT just a big slow flash turned down even slower, it is a true 160 watt second fast smaller light (which is all you can use in your room, and then some). It has a 7 stop range, in the good way. This is a mighty big feature, in situations like you mention.</p><p><br></p>
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<p>Great responses guys! I didn't know how much light a double-difussed softbox would eat up...very good to know how modifiers can really impact the output of your lights. The light duration is also something that was making me lean more towards the x1600. Great input guys! Few more things... are u guys familiar with their modifiers (large foldable octabox and large foldable softbox)? How good are they? or am I better off finding another brand that may be compatible with this lights... better build and cheaper here in NYC (B & H, Adorama, etc). Same question applies to their "heavy-duty" 13' light stand... I'm just trying to get the best option for my buck! Once again I appreciate ur feedback!</p>

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<p>I have the AB800 to use in my 14x20 living room. When using double diffused medium softbox or 5' octobox (both photoflex brands), I get approx f8 at 10 feet and ISO 100. This is with AB800 at 1/2 power setting. So for indoors in your space something like AB400 is more than enough, IMHO. When you have too much power you will need to use 1/16 or 1/32 power levels where AB lights are not consistent with power or WB. In my testing you can expect 7/10 of a stop variation in pop to pop at those power settings.<br>

Now for outdoors, sure having more power is good and that is where X1600 shines over AB1600 as mentioned already as it gives you AB400 and AB1600 in one unit.</p>

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