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Konica C35 Automatic Questions


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If you are a moderator on this forum, you will know that Josh has stated many times no electronics other than simple light meters. In fact he has gone over this so many times, I'm sure he is getting tired of it I have made my point and will shut up. I hope people will keep this a manual camera forum as it has worked for a long time that way and we don't need to change it, in my opinion. Stating my opinion in no way makes me a moderator or in any way disallows others to their opinions.</p>

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<p>I'm not taking sides here, but the question probably should have been posted on the Leica and Rangefinders Forum. It would have been a simple matter to shift it over there easily enough. Since it's here, and the C-35 is certainly a classic little manual focus camera (but you're right Cliff, it's also an electronic camera in a very simplistic way), let's hope Tim got some help on his problem. That's why I come to the forum. As someone from the lower 48, I have an inherent distaste for rules, and rebel at the slightest form of control, but having every thing in it's proper place is easier. I am also lazy, so easy is good.</p>
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<p>Cliff, while I do believe your heart is in the right place I also think you have done much in this thread to potentially run more people away from this forum than is warranted. Where else is this fellow supposed to ask a question? He's got a question about an old camera and came to the right place: the forum filled with guys who like old cameras. Let us not forget the intent of the forum while being buried in the letter of the law.</p>

<p>This forum has long been my favorite due to the very friendly nature of its participants. Gene M's posts are some of the most anticipated posts I have ever read or followed. There is a film and processing forum Gene could use but I dare say his posts are tremendoulsy appreciated here and probably more than they would be elsewhere where gadget geekery and MTF curves overwhelm the forum. Likewise, this forum is a fairly tightly knitted group of easy going people who appreciate cameras with no real home. Please don't spoil that. </p>

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<p>By the way.</p>

<p>This is the very forum where I first encountered the Konica C35Auto and I went out and got one. This is also the forum where I learned how to replace the light seals and repair the battery contacts. </p>

<p>I also first discovered the Canonet here. I went out and got one of those, too. Having learned basic repair on my Konica C35 Auto I was able to repair the Canonet in no time. Both of them take wonderful pictures. The little Konica is a gem.</p>

<p>I like the forum in its present state and this forum is primarily why I come back to PN. I like it because it does not slavishly confine every post to draconian law enforcement. </p>

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<p>What a bunch of bunk. The Konica C-35 is the natural progression of the Konica Auto S of 1963... which was probably inspired by the Olympus Auto Eye of 1960 and the Olympus Pen EE (Electric Eye) of 1961, both of which used selenium metering cells. Now, being that their were only a handful of Pen cameras that were NOT EE cameras, that means that basically the entire Pen viewfinder camera line falls outside of the definition of the forum. And what about the Olympus 35RC and it's cousins? That's probably one of the single most recommended classic cameras around, and it is an "automatic" of similar size and function of the Konica C35. And what about the entire line of Polaroid folding pack film cameras? These had true electric magnetic shutters in 1963! Next you are going to tell me that the Mamiya M645 of 1975 with it's electric magnetic manual and automatic (with the right viewfinder) shutter is also not a classic. And all of those Yashica Electros? So who cares? The Konica 35 rangefinder series is as classic as they come for this genre of cameras. It's got a tough build, tack sharp prime lens, match-needle meter, filter compensating meter sensor, and doesn't feel like a lump of plastic. </p>
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<p>Thanks to all here and via emails who helped. Gregg Nixon has a good understanding of the operation. Without flash, it doesn't matter which G.N. you line up with the green auto mark but the higher numbers restrict the close focus range for flash use. I match the green 14/45 with the green auto mark, that gives full focus range and it's also "green to green".<br>

Just like John Carter, bulb on mine doesn't work either. The meter is not accurate but I may be able to compensate with ASA until I determine how to adjust the meter. I've tried air/zinc 675 and a 1.55v button, both give the same wrong readings.</p><div>00Ue5p-177653584.jpg.62177a62233c6b25d70a2f1ecfae4446.jpg</div>

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  • 3 weeks later...
<p>Hi Tim. I plan to get a C35 soon as well. I got a Konica Auto S2 refurbished recently and I'm loving it...so naturally, I'd like to try the C35 (!). So have you sorted out the problem of the inaccurate metering, and if so, what battery did you use? </p>
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  • 1 month later...

<p>Dani. I haven't worked on the C35 yet. I've been working on some OM lenses and just brought a nice XA back to life. I did get a one dollar junk Chinon at a second hand store just to disassemble it to get an idea about what's in the C35. This Chinon looks very similar to the C35 except it looks really cheap.<br>

I'll report back here when I correct the metering and run a test roll. It won't be soon but I'll get to it one day. I'll use the 675 air/zinc hearing aid battery.</p>

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  • 4 months later...

<p>Now I don't think my meter is inaccurate so I put a roll of Arista 100 in it and shot some yesterday and today. I'm on #10 so I'll put the roll in a different camera for testing. I'll test three cameras with this roll, a Nikon FE2 with a Kiron 28-85mm f2.8-3.8 and Olympus Pen EES-2 (half frame). I'm using a 675 zinc/air battery. It's a cute little camera.<br>

Are all of your shots underexposed?</p>


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<p>My C35 is acting up right after I got it back from a 'CLA'! At first the meter appeared to be dead so I had my techie open up the camera again. He said there's a wire loose in there somewhere, he resoldered it and still the meter needle won't move. So then I changed the battery, from a SR44W silver oxide that was in there to a brand new size 675 zinc air hearing aid. Guess what? The needle came alive and moved freely all the way up and down the scale according to light levels. But when I brought it out to shoot a few days later, it acted up again..won't move up past f4 1/125 even when pointed directly at the sun! I don't what's up with it..will probably send it back for repairs. Sigh...</p>
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  • 2 weeks later...
<p>Well, the battery contacts could be touching the main metal body which causes a short i believe, thats what was happening with mine after i resoldered a wire. The solder was applied too thickly so i cut it down a bit and repositioned carefully and now it works fine with a zinc air. but like i said, take out bottom but not the battery cover, then unscrew the two screws that are holding the battery compartment and see if it goes past the shutter speed and aperture which you mention. </p>
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