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Problems: New HDD and Lightroom

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<p>My C drive filled up. So I added a new internal drive with lots of room. I moved a catalog onto the new drive and started using it. I sailed along fine for a while, until I noticed that things were not working the way I wanted them to. 1. When I delete something from one drive, it also is deleted from the other. Not good because I don't want the same things on both drives. 2. When I import new photos to the new drive, they are also filling up the old drive. I simply cannot cram a Terabyte onto the old drive. 3. I really, really want two drives to use for different purposes.</p>

<p>I thought about this a bit and wondered whether this is the way it works? At the computer shop they said "no", and they couldn't help me other than direct me to a forum. So Now I am thinking this is a Lightroom problem and I have something set up wrong. I have been over the settings a couple of times but I don't really know where to start. I have Martin Evening's book, but nothing in it seems to apply. Suggestions appreciated.</p>

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<p>I have mine set up similiar to you, I have a 10k raptor C drive for my programs and 1.5tb D drive for storage and a server for back up. When I import photos it goes to the C drive first and thats where I do all of my editing and when im done I transfer it to the D drive in lightroom where it lives and lightroom backs up to the server everyday on a timer. <br>

When your in lightroom can you see your C and D drives in your navigator panel? when it comes to back ups when ever it asks to back up it gives you the option to tell it where to back up too as well as you can do it in prefrences.</p>

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