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Monitor Calibration with Photobox print

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<p>I have an elderly Iiyama Vision Master Pro510 CRT monitor and I am struggling with calibration I use a Canon i9950 printer and my camera is a Canon 40D.<br>

I received a calibration print from Photobox and I fiddled with the three buttons on the monitor and the result seems OK so why do I need a Spyder3Elite unit? Would it be the real answer as opposed to the fiddling I am doing with the Photobox print?<br>

Any help would be gratefully received! I use the Canon DPP version 3.6 - my camera only had 3.3 on the CD! - and then I might go to CS2 but not always.<br>

I would like to sort out my printing and the printer inks are incredibly expensive when you make errors. <br>

I notice that the contrast on my CRT is shoved up to the limit and I am hoping the CRT itself is not demic. How does the Spyder work? Does it effectively just fiddle with the three buttons as I have been doing?</p>

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<p>..I fiddled with the three buttons on the monitor and the result seems OK..</p>

<p>thats why. because you FIDDLED and it SEEM just OK. I dont play, i dont guess, i dont fiddle and im 200% SURE that what i see is PERFECT ANYWHERE, because i use the correct tools.</p>

<p>..why do I need a Spyder3Elite unit?..<br>

Because, " I would like to sort out my printing and the printer inks are incredibly expensive when you make errors."</p>

<p>You dotn need the elite version, the pro version will do just fine...see you just save 100$..plus all the money you wont waste because you stop fddling with the control ; )</p>


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<p>Frederick, i just dont follow you...</p>

<p><em>I am struggling with calibration ... I fiddled with the three buttons on the monitor and the result seems OK ... Any help would be gratefully received ... I would like to sort out my printing and the printer inks are incredibly expensive when you make errors ...</em> I look at my screen and it looks OK why should I spend money and time on some gadget to do the fixing for me?</p>

<p>for all the reason you mention ; )</p>

<p>you want certitude, you want to be 100% sure of what you see is true; get a spider3 or similar.</p>

<p>you want to save money now on a tool that will help you, and prefer spending your time and money on test and paper? dont get the hardware, and calibrate your monitor by eyes only.</p>

<p>9 out of 10, if not 10 / 10 get better result with a hardware calibration, why fight the obvious?</p>

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<p>Patrick I don't disagree - I am even sure you are right BUT some folk who have bought the Spyder3Elite seem to be having more trouble setting it up than I do with my Photobox print. Aaaaagh!<br>

I suppose I will just have to try the Spyder3Elite and see where I go with it. My equipment can produce good photos but the complexities of digital printing are not straightforward and I would like to get it right!</p>


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<p>I think its more a matter of inteligence, or to be more polite, a matter of incompatibility with your system OS than a difficult setup. I still think that the regular Spider3 Pro will do more than fine, but if you can afford it, go with the elite.</p>

<p>If you can read, and have 5min to spend, you should get your monitor up and running in no time. Printing is not at all difficult since theres is only 1-2 good road to get a print. Once you find it, you stick to it and you will deliver better print faster.</p>

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