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<p> Hello well my particular situation is that im going to start to shoot professionally or at least semi-pro and obviously need a camera. My specific needs are a camera for portraits, outdoor shoots particularly strobist work, events, and still have the capability of shooting sports. Now obviously a nikon D3 or a canon 1d series camera would easily satisfy this only problem is that i would like to only spend around $4,000 USD for a camera and maybe a pair of f 2.8 zooms my idea is to cover the range anywhere from normal to telephoto ie. 24-70mm and a 70-200mm but am open to suggestions. Only limitations being that it is canon or nikon full frame would of course be ideal but that is probably asking for too much in that price range. Maybe able to spend $5,000 USD but no more than that but if a deal could be had for cheaper i would gladly welcome it. Thank you for your time. </p>
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<p>Does that budget need to include lighting and grip gear, tripods/mounts, computer hardware/software, and all the rest? Or is that just body(ies) and lens(es)? <br /><br />Regardless: always get the good glass first. Today's D3 will be tomorrow's D1X. But the 24-70/2.8 will still be the 24-70/2.8.</p>
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<p>sorry i forgot that information, yes that is just for bodies and lenses and either way i choose canon or nikon i would already have a backup body nikon d80 or canon xti. just something to tie me over until things pick up. although if money could be left to spare on extra flashes or a grip thats perfectly ok with me :)</p>
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