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Background issues


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<p>I'm extremely new to portrait photography and the model is my son, so please be gentle. Obviously, the background is a huge distraction. I have two Interfit 150W strobes. One has a softbox, and the other has an umbrella. The aperture was set at F9. I'm looking for critique, and help on how to create a better photo. Suggestions please!!!</p>
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<p>Oh, how adorable!<br>

Open up your aperture to at least f5, that will help to blur the background. And move your model (son) away from the bg to about 5 feet and that will also help. Charles told you how to set your lights.<br>

You could do a lot of work to this photo to make it better, including adding highlights to his eyes but since you have a captive model, I recommend reshooting and hope you can get that beautiful small again :)</p>


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<p > <br>

Thanks for all of the advice. His first birthday party is this weekend, so I had to disassemble the studio. I'll try your advice after I put it back together. <br>

Unfortunately, his mobility has been increasing, so I'm not sure how "captive" he'll be next time. :)</p>




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<p>Hi Lance, sorry for the delay in responding. Yes, this was a three light set up in addition to window light. You can light with just two lights, one main and one background plus daylight from from a window. Without the ambient light, you could use a reflector to bounce some light back toward the subject. I really enjoy working with the white background but it does get tricking getting the light just right without using a meter.<br>

Also, here's one that was done with just one light.<br>

<img src="http://www.modelmayhem.com/pic.php?pid=113573%5d%5bimg%5dhttp://modelmayhm-5.vo.llnwd.net/d1/photos/050711/01/42d20c6e5a381_m.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<img src="http://www.modelmayhem.com/pic.php?pid=113573%5d%5bimg%5dhttp://modelmayhm-5.vo.llnwd.net/d1/photos/050711/01/42d20c6e5a381_m.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>I am with Jo on the white bg or near white. I think the white of the shirt is dominating and pulling the eye from the face because it has the greatest contrast with a darker gray bg . Unless the shirt is what you want to emphasize and not the face, I would take the darker gray bg to white by popping the umbrella on it about a stop or two over the main. The diffuse umbrella lighting might minimize the wrinkles in the bg as well. This will make the shirt less of a contrast with the bg and make the face and bow tie the areas of highest contrast and the ultimate destination for the eye. Moving him forward and using a wider aperature will blow out the bg as well. You are right, you have 3 light sources. I would use the window at the side as fill, the sbox on the other side about 1 stop over the ambient and then try half stop either way. You also might try the sb clamshelled with a reflector low shooting through the opening between them. A piece of white cardboard or foamcore propped on a box will add low fill. If you have a speedlight in addition to the strobes, consider bouncing it off a white sheet or cardboard on the floor,angle to floor equals angle to subject. Or, if you have a white sheet, use that as a bg and clamshell the lights. Lots of options. Like you say, your subject patience may be the limiting factor. You captured a wonderful smile. I really like contrast of the stiff, formal adult like shirt with the softness of a babys face. I think you are going to make an image he will cherish in 20 or 30 years. Might be appropriate to pull out at his graduation or wedding when he is in a tux. </p>
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