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POTW 9/13/09

shots worth sharing

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<p>Dave: #1, The grain gives it something that makes it special.<br>

Dorus: Gentle tree.<br>

Ronny. Beautiful stories. The color hides the despair.<br>

Markus: Three great B&W's. Wish I could find it as easy as this.<br>

George: Classicical classics.<br>

Camus: Keep up the wonderful Wellington shots. My home town.</p>

Tony Evans
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<p>Wow, the thread started late this week.</p>

<p><a title="Feeling safer already on the streets of NY..." href=" Feeling safer already on the streets of NY... title="Feeling safer already on the streets of NY..."> <img src="http://static.flickr.com/2494/3908455994_3a8ae3ce93_d.jpg" border="0" alt="" /> </a> <a title="Feeling safer already on the streets of NY..." href=" Feeling safer already on the streets of NY... title="Feeling safer already on the streets of NY..."> </a> <br /> Pentax PZ-1P, FA 28-70 F/4, film unknown C-41 (don't remember if this was black and white to begin with).</p>

<p>@ Sigmar, great images, Kilkarney was on my list of possible canoe trips for last year, ultimately I decided on Woodland Caribou which then turned into the Winds which then turned into NH because Caney seemed like he wasn't 100% and skyrocketing trip cost (would have sucked to have gotten out there and he be sick since cost of trip was essentially all transport). Definitely looking to do a 2-3 week Woodland trip, but I need a lighter boat and at least 2 full weeks of time off (which I have, my wifes employer is a bit stingy on the vacation time). The plan is to float plane deep in, and paddle back out to the train covering as much ground as possible. I figure we could cover 150-200 miles in 2 weeks unsupported.</p>

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<p>I used this in the "Post BW pics" thread, but it's my favorite shot from this week. The experiment was to shoot in-camera BW using the K20d. Jpeg, no post processing at all. This is right off the card and onto the post. Yes it can be improved, but I think this is pretty darn good for canned jpeg and firmware BW conversion.</p>

<table border="0">



<td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/X4d1p7yCgPNr3sK3rDZGqw?authkey=Gv1sRgCNfT88Xzu4K6Jw&feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_OoQ7VkErqWQ/SqhUQB7dL_I/AAAAAAAAElk/Ws1oR0vW7fU/s800/IMGP4224.JPG" alt="" /></a></td>



<td >From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/john.jwphoto/2009PineIslandKids_K20d_inCamBW?authkey=Gv1sRgCNfT88Xzu4K6Jw&feat=embedwebsite">2009 Pine Island kids_K20d_in cam BW</a></td>




<p>K20d Pentax 70/2.4 LTD</p>

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<p><strong>What the kids will remember</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/648833672_Svndi-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Pentax K20D, Lensbaby 50mm f 5.6 @ 1/30, ISO 400, Metz 58 AF flash with Demb diffuser+reflector, "M", B&W conversion in Lightroom</p>


<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/648833608_bVJs6-M.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>Pentax K20D, Voigtlander 125mm f 8 @ 1/180, ISO 200</p>


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<p>Some great photos this week..<br>

Dave: Both are interesting shots, but I'm not sure what to think of them :-)<br>

Dorus: I can see your skills are not limited to architecture! :-)<br>

Ben: The rosella is a pretty capture<br>

Ronny: Good ones<br>

Peter: Very well composed and presented<br>

David: Not a bad start, certainly your models are very pretty :-) Have you tried using a 50mm lens.. you might get a bit more dof and sharper shots.<br>

John B: Nice exposure to get the lights in the background..<br>

James: Those Purple Asters look good<br>

Markus: Nice candids.. that kitty does not look thrilled with the papparazzi<br>

Trent: An unusual, and I think very successful perspective on a spider web.. well done<br>

Bulent: My favorite this week.. love the simplicity and beauty of that composition<br>

Jeremiah: you need to bribe your models better :-)<br>

George: your characters are always interesting<br>

Bob: Cool effect with the first shot.. and that's nice old jalopy in #2<br>

Hin: I like #3<br>

Camus: Both of your shots are good.. I like 'susie" quite a bit<br>

Sigmar: George lake reflections is a beaut<br>

Justin: Very cute pose.. looks like he needs some coffee and a doughnut<br>

John: She's a cutie, I would pp that and add some contrast.<br>

Michael: Nice one of the pod.. looks fairly big<br>

Steve: I like 1 and 2 best<br>

John: Tough shot.. I think it would have been great if you could have squeezed a smidgeon more speed. I think I would have liked the guitar to be more in 'focus'<br>

I was playing a tournament in Santa Clara last week.. stayed with some friends for a couple of days..</p><div>00UTsW-172439584.jpg.2d71a655a0e4f6941c4b7c58f934dcaf.jpg</div>

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<p >Justin, Ontario Parks calls Killarney the “crown jewel” of its provincial park system. The scenery is stunning with high granite and quartzite cliffs and many crystal clear lakes that God created specifically with canoeing in mind. It's been an attraction for many famous Canadian artists including the most well known "Group of Seven". I struggle to do it justice with my humble pictures. My wife and I did some interior canoe trips there some time ago, but now with 2 young kids we tend to not stray too far from the minivan :-). This year we just did day trips from the main camp ground - hiking and canoeing. I've never been there, but your Woodland Caribou trek sounds great! </p>
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<p>I NEVER post on POTW because it takes until Wensday to process all the boat photos from the weekend. Pitiful rainy weekend means I'm off today. I've had some good luck birding and really wanted to post about 10 pics here. So I created a gallery here: <a href="http://www.smile-123.com/Nature/Birds/update-9-9-2009/9635211_sojk8/1/649651511_vtJDs">I meant here</a>. All photos taken with a K20D at ISO 400, AV usually 8.0 with either a Sigma 50-500 or Pentax DA*300 lens. Here's a couple samples:<br>

<strong>A little pelican (brown) ballet. </strong>This was the first time that I ever got more than I fly-by of these wonderful creatures. Very animated and sweet.<br>

<img src="http://www.smile-123.com/photos/649652652_bui48-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<strong>Black Skimmer Picnic. </strong>Again, first photos of something other than a blurry fly-by. Strange looking birds. See the photo of one "skimming" in the gallery.<br>

<img src="http://www.smile-123.com/photos/649651991_6z6sc-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

<strong>Not Bigfoot, a Rosette Spoonbill. </strong>The significance here is that these are tropical birds that belong in Southern Florida. This is literally the one and only Spoonbill in all of NJ. This was about 300-400yds. Shot with Sigma 50-500 and then cropped the hell out of it. Hey, I drove 2 hours 4 times to get a photo of this guy so I was taking something home!<br>

<img src="http://www.smile-123.com/photos/649655326_PE9Yb-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

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