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Ha, after trading in everything, I'd still be short $ for a new M9

dennis lee

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<p>Just for the goof I went to KEH and plugged in all my Leica M gear to see where the value lies in relation to getting a new M9.<br>

Including four bodies and four lenses I still come up $2,229 short for buying a new M9 body...<br>

Boy, I really want a FF M9 but $7K is something real serious to think about. Maybe I should pay off my boat instead!</p>

<p> </p><div>00UT2s-171951584.jpg.7a87254a630b715b4db12da8de5e0cce.jpg</div>

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<p>this is actually a good topic. i have sold some of my film stuff. stuff i actually didn't use. a lot of 35mm slr stuff. but I tend to keep all the medium format film stuff, and a few 35mm cams that I am endeared to. You really aren't going to get a lot of money for the stuff, so if it can best 35mm dslr or it's someting you just like shooting with.....i'd just keep it.</p>
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<p>You could call/email Camera West, Monterey Ca. They have a very large Leica selection and buy used. They also are asking $6995.00 for the M9. Monterey is a wealthy town and Camera West will sell M9's like hotcakes for the first few months so you would have to get on the waiting list. There will be a lot of M8's being traded in if a person wanted a old timer camera. Odd thing to say but that is the way it is with digital. New this year and a cast off next year. They probably have several hundred thousand in Leica camera's on the shelf. Just waiting for some guy with dilated pupils to snap one up.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.camerawest.com/">http://www.camerawest.com/</a></p>

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<p>Meant to mention in the last post that six inches to the right would have dropped that beautiful 21 through this crack and not onto the I-beam it so thankfully landed on. Too bad it was an original vintage chrome filter... I did keep the broken filter for 'special effects.' The good news is that this fall meant a trip to the shop, calibration and replacement of the missing registration pin for the lens shade. Happy again.</p><div>00UTbj-172267584.jpg.f0cff8e37621e08bbc4d8655cca9a3fd.jpg</div>
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