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Training for Capture NX2


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<p>I haven't checked recently, but B&H did have two pretty good videos listed under the "B&H Videos" on the right side of their home page - and free. Also, Flicker has a user's group that may be of some help. There are a couple of pretty good books out, check Amazon or Barns and Noble's or such listings. I've been looking for a good classroom offering for some time, but with no luck. It is a very good program, however, once you master it.</p>
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<p>There are several online resources available. B&H has several lengthy videos of a training session presented by Michael Rubin of Nikon <a href="http://www.video.bhphotovideo.com/?fr_story=109dbb60be8386c2c7ae59406b1b114fce4acfa0&rf=bm">http://www.video.bhphotovideo.com/?fr_story=109dbb60be8386c2c7ae59406b1b114fce4acfa0&rf=bm</a><br>

There are some short introductory demos on the Nikon website and also a few on Moose Peterson's website. Jason Odell, mentioned above, has a series of training videos available for purchase. I haven't seen his videos but I have read his e-book, which I consider a very through introduction but not an in-depth treatment. </p>

<p>I disagree with Andrew's comment that it takes 5 minutes to figure NX2 out. You <em>can</em> begin using it in a few minutes, but that's like saying you know how to use a Nikon D3 because you can turn it on and snap a picture.</p>

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<p>NX2 is a pig, but it understands Nikon's files better than any other.<br>

I point blank refuse to pay Adobe's prices for software and I hate spending time on the computer, so I convert RAW to TIFF in NX2 and then export to Breezbrowser to tweak and save as a JPEG. If the shot is so bad that Breezbrowser can't fix it, then it was not a keeper anyway.</p>

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<p>I haven't tried this but I read that Vincent Versace's DVD training is pretty good. I bought Jason's eBook along with videos and so far so good. If I can glean enough from Jason's stuff I won't need to spend the $69 for the DVD; however, I'm a sucker for learning so I may get it anyhow. </p>
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<p>You can find these lessons at the Nikon web site:<br>

<a href="http://www.capturenx.com/en/index.html">http://www.capturenx.com/en/index.html</a><br>

<a href="http://www.capturenx.com/en/lessons/lessons/index.html">http://www.capturenx.com/en/lessons/lessons/index.html</a><br>

There are also various tutorials at U tube. Just use Google to find them.<br>

In addition to Jason's e book, there are two other regular books you can get that are very good: Nikon Capture NX2, After the Shoot, by Mike Hagen and Nikon Capture NX2 by Ben Long. If you can get all three of them. <br>

I do not think the program "is a hog. " Just understand "cache settings" and set them appropriately for your pc's hardware. Mike Hagen's book expalins this quite well.<br>

Joe Smith</p>

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<p>Check out the Nik Software website. They have short how tos for NX2 and host webinars as well. Moose Peterson has a D3 websight with some how to stuff for NX2 as well. Also some episodes of D-Town-TV .com had some NX2 suggestions. You might find some of these helpful along with the above listed suggestions.</p>
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<p>Get the Vincent Versace DVDs. It'll help more than all the rest of the guides out there. Also watch all the free NIK videos and webinars, even if they are mostly not based on NX2.<br>

In my experience, lightroom is trash, at least without all sorts of plugins. Only problem I've observed in NX2 so far is that it crashes during batch processing.</p>

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