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positive film 4*5 b&w


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<p>Hello everybody,<br>

I'm looking for a positive film (diapo?) in black and white, in 4*5 format.<br>

Do you think it exists and it's still on market? Which brand?(a 400asa would be great)<br>

I've been looking up for it on the web, but i could not find it...only color transparencies seems to be available.<br>

In case it exists: Exposition / development / enlarging (I want to see the negative immage on the paper), is done in the same way than for a negative film with the same sensibility?<br>

I would apreciate any information about this.<br>

Thank you,<br>


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<p>This information on the Ilford website will explain how to process standard B&W film to produce a positive.</p>

<p><a href="http://www.ilfordphoto.com/Webfiles/20061291034093.pdf">http://www.ilfordphoto.com/Webfiles/20061291034093.pdf</a></p>

<p>They don't recommend 400ISO films, for technical reasons, but suggest PAN F (50 ISO), FP4+ (125 ISO) or Delta 100 (100 ISO) will produce good results. Hope this helps a bit. Nick</p>

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<p>I had a quick check in the internet for AGFA SCALA 200 , a diapositive film .<br>

I have worked with this film in the size 4x5 . A great film .<br>

It looks as if this film is still available , but I am not a 100% shure . It might also depend a bit on the country you live in .<br>

What you could do , is google for AGFA SCALA 200 4x5 etc.<br>

I think , it is at least worth a try .</p>


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<p>see if you can get the tmx100 reversal kit<br /> it will allow you to make 4x5 chromes out of your tmx100 film ...<br /> if you goooooogle "tmx100 reversal kit" you will find info<br /> both from kodak and people who have used it<br>

<br /> if you don't want to try to do it yourself ... dr5 does great-stuff!</p>


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