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Photoshop book

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I'm trying to get my skills in photoshop.<br>

I know the basics but not everything about it.<br>

I've searched on the internet but don't really know what to buy and whats best for me.<br>

Im looking for a book that explains <em><strong>EVERYTHING </strong> </em> about basic photoshop (and little of the advanced side).<br>

I'm using Adobe photoshop CS2 ( but want a book that works with most of the photoshop softwares)</p>



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<p>For the most part, CS2 skills are compatible with CS3 and CS4. The differences are mostly enhancements and added functionality, with from time to time an actual change that is supposed to be A Better Way To Do It. It isn't really possible to know everything about Photoshop: you can learn all the individual tools and software devices, but the combinations that make them explosively powerful go on <em>ad infinitum</em> . For a good understanding of the practical applications of tools like Curves and their use in combination, I still like Blatner and Fraser's "Real World Photoshop 7," which does have a "Real World CS2" edition. Scott Kelby's books are helpful, but he gives step-by-step recipes that take up a lot of space without much connection to the general applicability of his techniques--you have to puzzle that out yourself.<br>

You can find a lot of recipes and tutorials on the Web. The tough thing is conceptualizing what you'd like to do and figuring out what it's called so you can Google it. Lots of groups that share Photoshop art and recipes that aren't necessarily photography oriented, but have some amazing techniques you can adapt, notably deviantart.com. You can also browse a number of Photoshop magazines at your local bookstore. The best ones are Photoshop User and Layers, edited by Kelby, and they have a site called Photoshop User Group on the Web.</p>

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<p>I think I got the most out of Scott Kelby's "7 Point System for Adobe Photoshop CS3." It's obviously more than 7 things, but it really helped my workflow and thoughts about how to do things. I refer to it and his "Adobe Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers" when I get stuck. Also, since I upgraded to Lightroom 2.4 I have much less need for photoshop, and these books are very handy for refreshers. </p>
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<p>Forget the books, Kelby's on line training. I found books tedious and after 2 or 3 books not helping, went to the on line training. $24 now for unlimited access for a month. First 3 lessons are free to check, take a look, you will painlessly be a photoshop user in less than 30 days.</p>
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