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Using Flyers for Advertising

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<p>I have just started my business. Portrait Photography. I am working on getting my name out there. Building my portfolio etc. I am thinking of making a flyer. I am wanting some insight from anyone who as marketing skills, or who has gone with this approach. Where are good places to post these flyers that are legal? I keep thinking grocery stores! I can't see past that location. I personally, don't look at those boards. I thought of making postcards and putting them on car windshields at office buildings or doors of homes. Has this worked for anyone or is it a bad idea? Any other inexpensive ways to get your name out there while your waiting for word of mouth to spread?</p>
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<p>Please..Please..Get a book or two on marketing.</p>

<p>I have to agree with Eric...flyers; for lack of a better term look "rinky dink."</p>



<p>Any other inexpensive ways to get your name out there while your waiting for word of mouth to spread?</p>



<p>Not really.<br>

Marketing can be a complex subject and covers many variables. Any attempt to tell you everything you need to know will be futile at best. You are in the proper forum for this question though.</p>

<p>May I suggest one of the "Guerilla Marketing" books? They wrote several and all are excellent.</p>

<p>I think at this point a few questions may help you focus in on what YOU want to accomplish with marketing.</p>

<p>1) What is your earnings goal? Time frame?<br>

2) Who do you want to market too?<br>

3) What is your current budget for marketing?<br>

4) How much time can you devote to marketing?</p>

<p>Let's start there ok?<br>

Unless you have clearly defined those questions, I fear you are spinning your wheels in a concept called<br>

"Voodoo Economics."</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Thanks for setting me straight on these 2 ideas. My brother in law is giving me his Guerrillas Marketing book on Tuesday. I will be reading through it this week for more ideas. Thanks. Yeah, the littering on cars, was not a fond idea. For I hate that tactic too. But sometimes a bad idea seems good when you can't think of anything else. I also see your points on flyers. It does seem low end and doesn't show much value in a business. I thought of a direct mail appoach. But cost is an issue right now.</p>

<p>*My earning goal is $20,000 to start/year. I am not going to expect a booming business my first year. But if it exceeds my expectations then I will be pleasantly suprised instead of disappointed. I want to take advantage of the upcoming christmas rush of "family pictures to send to family"</p>

<p>*I want to market to families with kids. Mostly moms. They usually make the portrait appointments. I have started a business plan and outlined these goals.</p>

<p>*Budget, $200 to $300 max for now</p>

<p>*I have ample time to market. I work every other week for about 20 hours right now.</p>

<p>I am currently working on "word of mouth" by doing portraits of seniors of friends of friends. No cost to them for me to do it. If they like them and wish to purchase them, I am offering 25% of my print prices. I have 3 seniors to photograph this month. I wedding that came my way that is in 3 weeks and a family session this weekend. I see the potential for word of mouth to come from all 5 of these as pretty good. I just want to up my chances for family portraits, since christmas is coming and it is a busy time for those "family pictures".</p>

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<p>flyer distribution on public property must be licensed thru your municipality and you can get fined for posting them on utility poles and such, in some cities. check the building and zoning department. then, depending on where you live and want to post, you might have to pay for a permit and they have regulations on the size and other facets of your ad, and can be fined if you don't comply to the inch.....</p>

<p>of COURSE, its a "free" country.....</p>

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<p>I am currently working on "word of mouth" by doing portraits of seniors of friends of friends.</p>



<p>You are doing the right things given your current situation.<br>

Be patient; it takes time.</p>

<p>You will find, many, many people get their start with word of mouth and often parlay that source into a viable working company.<br>

At this point, customer satisfaction means everything. <em>"Under promise and over deliver"</em> is a great business ethic.<br>

My best advice I can offer you other than what you are already doing....?<br>

Stay away from negative people and nay sayers. They are poison.<br>

Attitude is everything in today's business climate and will carry you further than relying on just pretty pictures.</p>


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Flyers can be attractive, or even perhaps large postcards. Some better places for children, families and weddings might be:<br>



Hair Salons<br>

Reception venues such as hotels and country clubs<br>

See what you can photograph for these people to help their businesses so that you build a long relationship with them. Good luck and keep thinking....-Aimee<br>

PS - Check out Marathon Press for printing items to promote photography.</p>

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<p>Don't spend your money on flyers. I think that you would get a better return on a phone book ad.</p>

<p>If you feel you really need to give your customers a visual advertisement, look into direct mail. You can do it yourself, just make sure that the envelope is nice and doesn't look like a credit card application. - I would STRONGLY suggest hand writing the addresses (including return address) on the envelope and not using address labels; it is more personal and is less likely to be tossed in the trash without being opened.</p>

<p>Don't forget business cards; it blows my mind how many photographers will talk up their business, then when you ask for a card the answer is, "Sorry, I don't have one, but you can check out my website at...." Reality check, most people aren't going to check out the website without the handy little business card reminder.</p>

<p>Don't expect word of mouth advertising, instead you should work on referrals. The difference here is...people think of word of mouth as being reccomended by your customers - in other words they expect "word of mouth" to happen on its own. Gaining referrals is different in that you are asking your current customers, "Do you know anyone else who would be interested in my services. Do you think it would be ok if I call them?" It is all about networking, you can even start with you friends and family and branch out from there. Keep lists.</p>

<p>Best of luck with your business.</p>

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<p>I'm not a big advocate of the phone book or bridal shows for that matter. I do think you should have something visually attractive even if it's to send home with someone that you've just met with. <br>

Which is going to attract more: your images or a 2" x 2" black on yellow ad?<br>

I also don't like long term financial committments such as 12 months in the yellow pages. Besides, when's the last time you looked up something in the phone book?<br>

Just my own thoughts and preferences.....-Aimee</p>

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<p>As a follow on to Keith's comments.</p>

<p>YES! Referrals!</p>

<p>Word of mouth is great, but it's the referrals that keeps the business coming in and fresh.<br>

This is known as "Prospecting" or <strong>actively</strong> seeking out more business in many places/sources.<br>

It is used continuously by successful companies from the one man band to the multi-million dollar giants. </p>

<p>There are many ways to prospect. It is not cold calling people on the phone or knocking on doors. Many visualize those scenarios when they hear the word (Prospecting)<br>

Think of it as planting seeds...Plant a lot of seeds and water them as needed.<br>

(i.e) Talk to a ton of people...let everyone you know what you do...ask them for referrals or if they know anyone who could benefit from your services etc..etc...<br>

Books have been written on prospecting alone. It is a sub-category of marketing, and a important one.<br>

Personally, I don't like prospecting, it's kinda' boring, a lot of hard work with returns that are hard to measure at first.<br>

Without it though, I would have no business at all!</p>


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<p>Besides, when's the last time you looked up something in the phone book</p>


<p>Several times a week, actually.<br /> <br /> I'm just curious, if you needed to hire someone, lets say a Landscaper, where would you look?<br /> <br /> My guess is you'd either use the web or the phone book.<br /> <br /> I'm not saying go only with the phone book, but its not bad to have a small ad in the phone book as part of your marketing plan. Honestly, just paying to have a box around your listing works well and doesn't cost that much. Another reason to be in the phone book is that if someone is familiar with your name, but doesn't have your contact information they may go directly to the phone book to look you up.<br /> <br /> There are still plenty of people out there who don't use the Internet or even have a computer.<br>

<br /> Even if you don't want to pay for an ad in the phone book, at least make sure that your business is listed in the yellow pages under the correct section. This doesn't cost anything.</p>

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<p>Free advertising is always the best! (because its free) give your card to coffee shops, teens and couples frequent them. Most local coffee shops have a place where local businesses can put a handful of cards out. Find a local senior and offer to do free portraits if they will hand out cards to their friends and classmates, and businesses they frequent (you can even put them on the card!) We find vistaprint to be the best with printing and good turn around time and great products at a low cost, we use their postcards as business cards, they're bigger and more unique, and you can put lots on them. Even try doing back to school specials. Definitely get a blog, it will increase your web traffic like crazy! Go to local wedding boutiques (not David's, you have to pay) most locally owned shops will put your cards out or even hand them to their customers in a bag they give their clients. If they are reluctant then make a deal, if their client brings you a receipt for a purchase there, you'll give the client a small discount on your packages, this makes the client want to buy from the store, so good for the store, and they'll want to advertise the deal so they get more business, and your more likely to get their call because they can get a deal! Make sure you are on Google and Bing, they're free, and its how most people now are looking up businesses. Get as many links to your website at other websites as possible, and lots of reviews (preferably positive) and that will boost your business toward the first pages on google searches.</p>
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<p>Even if you don't want to pay for an ad in the phone book, at least make sure that your business is listed in the yellow pages under the correct section. This doesn't cost anything.</p>


<p>'Round here (Atlanta), business listings in the Yellow Pages <strong>do</strong> cost, and they cost more than they're worth. Especially for photographers, who are hired based on previous work as well as personal contact. I ask every customer where they found me, and none of them have ever said "the Yellow Pages." So I cancelled my (basic) listing that was costing almost $500 per year. I don't think I know any photographers who do not do online proofing, so a customer without a computer is one you have to make a special effort for in the first place, and spend extra overhead on, for physical proofs. Most of us nowadays do not use the phone book for <strong>anything</strong>.</p>


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