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POTW 8/30/09


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<p>Absolute crackers this week, especially Dennis' launch.<br /><br />Independence day today, unfortunately no one told me there won't be any fireworks when midnight struck.<br /><br /><img src="http://i487.photobucket.com/albums/rr235/hchune/Web%20Uploads/IMGP9138.jpg" alt="" /><br /><strong>Dang!</strong> (K100D Super + Version I kit lens, ISO 200, 10sec, f/8 at 26mm)</p>
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<p>Hi folks. I am sure some of you have heard of the California wildfires. Where I live I am actually in the Burbs in the SanGabriel Valley which is less than 8 miles or so from the fires. Maybe more as you go up the mountain, still the smoke is so bad, it is unreal. This picture I took with my K20D and DA*50-135...These I took from a movie theater three blocks from my house. I forgot my tripod<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Snap%20shots/IMGP2352.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p><img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Snap%20shots/IMGP2307.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>There was quite a few people up on the 5th floor looking in amazement.<br>

<img src="http://i404.photobucket.com/albums/pp128/jgredline/Snap%20shots/IMGP2345.jpg" alt="" /></p>


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<p>Before I forget: Thank you Howard Tarrigon for the Eliot Porter reference re: last week's POW. He is certainly a major influence on my seeing.<br>

Some foggy morning garden shots. The last one was taken with a Pentax 50mm f 1.4 "A" lens which I'm liking better than the FA 50mm f 1.4. The handling just feels better and the optical results are somewhat different--not necessarily better, but different.</p>


<img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/634752233_WSvCz-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, Voigtlander 125mm, f4.5@ 1/350, ISO 400</p>

<p><strong>Blue Glow Globe Thistle</strong></p>

<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/634752243_hQEyy-L.jpg" alt="" /><br>

K20D, Voigtlander 125mm, f6.7@ 1/60, ISO 800</p>


<p><img src="http://www.smugmug.com/photos/634752129_rFTmb-L.jpg" alt="" /></p>

<p>K20D, SMC 50mm "A" f 3.5 @ 1/45, ISO 400, Conversion in Lightroom</p>



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<p>I've been practicing Birds the last few weeks so here's a couple ducks from today. Thought I'd keep with the B&W feel of the day and convert one of them.</p>

<p>Justin GREAT panoramic!!!!!!!<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9715780-md.jpg" alt="" width="679" height="456" /><br>

K2000, 200mm, 1/1000, f5.6, ISO 400. Converted in Corel Paint Shop<br>

Same duck nano seconds earlier, same settings.<br>

<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/9715783-md.jpg" alt="" width="680" height="514" /></p>


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<p><strong>Justin</strong>, I have lived in PA all my life and I have never been to Pittsburgh. I think I need to visit there. That first shot is really awesome. <br>

<strong>Bob</strong>, I have been to Acadia and can't wait to return. Thanks for the pics, very nice images of a beautiful place.<br>

<strong>Dan</strong>, nice pano!<br>

<strong>Markus</strong>, The B&W of the little girl is excellent.<br>

<strong>Dorus</strong>, good luck on the move and the new house - congrats!<br>

<strong>Nick</strong>, I love Nature Walk, it has a very nice feel to it. <br>

<strong>Ronny</strong>, I really like that second shot with the Coca Cola machine, great colors and nicely composed.<br>

<strong>DPeter Barnes</strong>, Very nice B&W seascape.<br>

<strong>Hin Man</strong>, Shot #2, Drummer, is really well done, as are the other two!<br>

<strong>Dennis</strong>, the shuttle shot is really cool, that must be something to witness.<br>

<strong>Javier</strong>, I was just watching the news. Those fires are unbelievable, I sure hope you are not in harms way. <br>

<strong>Camus, </strong>always the lines. I really like your photos. You sure have a knack for seeing the lines in the every day world. Nice stuff as always.<br>

Well, this past week and the next two are the busiest of the year for me so I didn't get out much this week. Maybe next week I'll have some of those wedding shots to post. Nice work all!</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>Absolutely amazing shots this week! I'll need courage to submit this week.<br>

Michael E - You're welcome. I have the Eliot Porter Wall Calendar for 2009 on the door to my room. When I saw his first book, many years ago, I was blown away by the color. That's what I try to capture.<br>

By the way, your thistle picture moves. Scroll past it, up or down. Even when still it looks like a frozen floral explosion due to the DOF. All three of your pictures have the 3D effect. Great shots.</p>

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<p>There is some great stuff in here. I guess it's about time I posted one of mine.<br>

K2000, DA 40, ISO 200, 1/20, f2.8. I've had the lens for a while now, just got the K2000, and I'm really liking the combo as something I can carry around when I don't want a whole bag full of gear.</p>

<p><img src="http://frankbaiamonte.smugmug.com/photos/634662389_8S5JQ-L.jpg" alt="" width="800" height="535" /></p>

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<p>Two suggestions:<br>

<br /> - For POW thread entrants: - before posting, read the previous post to determine whether the poster has put in all entries before uploading your own. It might prevent some of the tangled threads, like the one above. Won't prevent simultaneous posts, of course.<br>

<br /> -To web master: - would it be possible to put a "Go to Bottom" link at the top of these threads as well as a "Go to Top" link at the bottom. Would save a lot of scrolling.</p>


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<p>Justin - Nice! I'm planning to go on a group excursion to photograph the NYC skyline. Hope I can post something. Impressive panorama - looks like a great poster.<br>

Dan- That is breathtaking! Can't believe it's from a 50mm. Amazing.<br>

Markus - Great portrait capture<br>

Dorus - When are you inviting us all to your house?<br>

Rafael - looks like an antique print. Nice effect.<br>

Peter- I only have one problem with your shot - my keyboard and desk are getting wet! :-)<br>

Hin - I like the cafe lamps a lot - dynamic and serene.<br>

Dennis - fabulous shot - monochrome effect totally effective.<br>

Javier - Looks like volcanic eruptions and lava flows. Heard that those fires got a lot worse - how are you?<br>

Camus - I like the lines.<br>

Michael - I'm still impressed with your shots after much scrolling (I may have to reconsider my previous post).<br>

Heather - I like the color duck - Looks like he's smiling and the colors make it more effective.<br>

Frank - I can't believe how many times it took me to see the cat in the background. Foregound cat looks very good natured.<br>

Looks like a rethink of my Go to bottom and Go to top links need to be rethought.</p>


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