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Need as many critiques as I can get on ordering off my website!


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<p>I have had my website up for awhile but people seem shy to use the ordering system. I have had a few complaints on finding the add to cart button. I would appreciate if you folks could run through the ordering system and give advice on the changes I need to make if any. If there are some other areas that could use some attention please let me know. www.dsprophoto.com<br>

Thanks for your time,<br>

Dean Sauskojus</p>

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<p>It took me over a minute just to find the button to add it to the cart, and that was with me looking right at it. The text blends in with the little guarentee logo and the paypay crap that ever looks over. I would suggest that you outline the button or something and just make it a little bit more prominent.</p>
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<p>I had no problem finding it, but I was looking for it. I'd agree with Troy to outline the button, and suggest moving it closer to the product. You might also want to include the purchase option on the enlarged image page.</p>
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<p>Simply, don't spread the ordering aspects of the page ALL OVER the page. Everything needed to place the order should be grouped together and clearly defined. You have the size selection drop-down box above the picture, which is good, but the Add to Cart just looks like some text on the page that I can ignore. Put your price and shipping on top of each other, move the Add to Cart where shipping is now, and put a frame around it so that it looks a bit like a button.</p>
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I agree with everyone about the payment options being spread out all over the page, and a box around the add to the cart. Also I found that DS on the photos, takes away from the beautiful image. Other wise the site is very clean and easy to navigate. Wonderful photographs.
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<p>Thank you all for your responses. I have taken your advice and changed my ordering page. If I could ask that a few of you take a look again I would really appreciate it. Let me know what you think.</p>

<p>Thanks, Dean Sauskojus<br>


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