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EOS 7D and new EF-S lenses


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<p><em>Keeping in mind that the only advanage "full frame" has over APS-C is a stop or so noise reduction at high ISOs, a crop camera is just fine. I wish that Canon would make some fast and relatively compact EF-S primes. A rebel with a pankake lens would be really cool.</em></p>

<p>I would argue that FF has more than 1 stop better noise performance, though perhaps the 7D will surprise us. All things being equal, FF also has more potential for recording detail. (The difference in DoF is so minor as to be a non issue. The availability of fast wide primes is a nice touch.)</p>

<p>Having said that, 4 years ago if you had asked me I would have said that someday I was going full frame. I purchased lenses around that idea and stayed away from EF-S and 3rd party cropped wides. But I never have gone FF and probably will not any time soon. The 5D was a benchmark in terms of IQ, particularly for making larger prints of landscapes. But the 40D was darn close, and the 50D pretty much matched it at low ISO. And the 7D will add even more resolution. For me past that benchmark other factors become more important such as cost, shooting speed, and telephoto performance. When and where I need more resolution I can simply stitch 3 frames and be done with it.</p>

<p>I understand why some people go full frame. If I was a wedding photographer I would have FF and a bag of fast primes. But IMHO, for serious amateurs, APS-C seems "just right". Four Thirds is too small, full frame too expensive. APS-C is now delivering FF-like performance at low ISO while giving more reach with telephotos, all at lower cost. And it still has pretty good reach into high ISO.</p>

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<p>Another translation this time for the new 100 Macro L<br>

1. Eliminates tilting shake and moving sideways shake.<br />2. UD glass to reduce chromatic aberration.<br />3. 9 lens elements, nice background blur.<br />4. Front element does not move when focusing, USM for fast focusing, Uses an advanced algorithm for very good autofocus.<br />5. Full-time manual focus.<br>

67 mm filter size<br />dimensions: 77.7mm by 123 mm<br />Weighs 625 grams. </p>

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<p>Looks like it is legit,<br>

Here is an alleged sample taken at ISO 6400<br>

<a href="http://www.invisicord.com/images/review/IMG_1325.JPG">http://www.invisicord.com/images/review/IMG_1325.JPG</a><a href="http://www.photo.net/canon-eos-digital-camera-forum/00UL9W"></a><br>

Looks like crazy JPEG NR which has a hard time coping, but let's wait for RAW files. </p>

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<p>Daniel your probably right about 1.6 being perfect for average shooters and semi pro (probably even pro for that matter ) but while a bit heavier and more expensive I am really happy with the 5D2 and now that I own one I have a hard time going back to 1.6. Both formats are more then capable, especially for me and my level but I have become spoiled by the ISO performance and the wide angle options with full frame. </p>

<p>I am sure 1.6 cameras will advance as everything does and the new stuff coming this fall does look impressive. Very exciting time to buy a camera. </p>


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<p>Aero-dynamic body design</p>



<p dir="ltr">Seems like the perfect cam for BASE jumpers but which lens has aero-dynamic design as well? :-)</p>



<p>metallic shutter sound</p>



<p dir="ltr">Ouch. I hope they did not cancel the option for quiet shooting. I really like this option.</p>

<p dir="ltr"> </p>

<p dir="ltr">Happy shooting,</p>

<p dir="ltr">Yakim.</p>


<p dir="ltr"> </p>



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<p>Seems like the perfect cam for BASE jumpers but which lens has aero-dynamic design as well? :-)</p>



<p>Does that mean it reaches a higher terminal velocity if you drop it off a cliff? Yakim, you can run the first tests. ;-)</p>

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<p>The aero-dynamic body design allows you to lift the camera to your eye faster than with other cameras, meaning you will get the shot that they miss ;-)</p>

<p>Take that Nikon, with your bulky, un-aero-dynamic bodies!</p>

<p>On a more serious note...any thoughts on the iFCL metering? Am I correct that this will be the first Canon body to take color into consideration while metering?</p>

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I think the 7D is also a nice preview of what the next generation 1-series bodies will have.


All in all, I rather like the 7D, reminds me of the EOS 3. Fast, sealed, innovative and a lot of control (customizable buttons: WELL DONE CANON!)


Also interesting to see Canon finally caught up with Nikon's colour-based metering.


If I was in the market for a new DSLR, I might even preorder. But I'm not. (My 400D is still working, and I'm shooting pretty much only film at the moment...)



Oh, and if Canon can conviningly cram 18MP in a crop sensor camera, I have this feeling their next FF body will pretty much blow away the competition on the resolution front..

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<p>Rob Galbraith has good info, and sample pictures up to ISO 12800:<br>

<a rel="nofollow" href="http://www.robgalbraith.com/bins/multi_page.asp?cid=7-10042-10239" target="_blank">http://www.robgalbraith.com/bins/multi_page.asp?cid=7-10042-10239</a></p>


<p>AF very good in most conditions and settings but not all. I hope the 1D Mk IV will score a solid A+ in that regard.</p>

<p>Happy shooting,<br>



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<p>All in all, I rather like the 7D, reminds me of the EOS 3. Fast, sealed, innovative and a lot of control (customizable buttons: WELL DONE CANON!)</p>


<p>According to Canon, both the 5DII and 7D have the same degree of sealing as the old EOS 1N. So I think that's a good trend. Personally I find the 7D a little too "button rich"--the RAW/JPEG button is right up there with the DIRECT Print button for frequency of use (zero). Sure wish the 7D had ECF...</p>

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