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Mamiya 645 AF: Does the shutter fire w/o a lens?


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I am new to the Mamiya 645 AF; I have just acquired a body and waiting for the lens and some film to arrive.<br>

I have attached a 645 AF back and the ISO/shutter speed adjustments seem to work. The shutter<br>

has moved to its normal position and mirror is down after I fitted the back.</p>

<p>However, I find that the shutter won´t trip and the mirror lock doesn work. (I have removed the dark<br>

slide). I don´t have film in the back.</p>

<p>Is this normal, or is the body defective?</p>



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<p>I have a Mamiya 645 AFD. In order for the camera to function without film, you have to open the back. Do not remove the film back, just open the rear door and let it stay open. This should allow your shutter to work, at least it does on mine. This is explained in the owners manual in the opening sections where it talks about testing the camera without film installed. So try simply opening the door on the film back and see if that works for you.</p>
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<p>Anirban, <br>

Yes, the mirror will NOT lock up without a lens in place. It locks out the function for some reason. I checked it on my camera to be sure, and it does the same as yours. With the lens on, the mirror lock up works. With the lens off, it does not. <br>

You are actually quite limited as to what you can do with the camera with no lens or film. I also know that the multiple exposure function will not test out correctly if there is no film in the camera.<br>

I suggest you just bide your time until you get a lens and film, then you can do all you want to check things out correctly.<br>

By the way, I LOVE this camera, one of the best I have ever had. I think you will really enjoy it.</p>

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  • 13 years later...
On 8/25/2009 at 12:43 PM, anirbanbanerjee said:

<p>Thanks, Steve, for the response. Yes, the shutter works with the film door open. I could not get the mirror up -- is that normal?</p>

Awesome 🙏  thanks to your post on photo.net Anir I could test my camera without film. 13 years later! And it works! 💫You rock!



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On 8/25/2009 at 12:14 PM, steve_parrott said:

<p>I have a Mamiya 645 AFD. In order for the camera to function without film, you have to open the back. Do not remove the film back, just open the rear door and let it stay open. This should allow your shutter to work, at least it does on mine. This is explained in the owners manual in the opening sections where it talks about testing the camera without film installed. So try simply opening the door on the film back and see if that works for you.</p>

Awesome 🙏  thanks to your post on photo.net Steve Parrott I could test my camera without film. 13 years later! And it works! 💫You rock!

On 8/25/2009 at 12:43 PM, anirbanbanerjee said:

<p>Thanks, Steve, for the response. Yes, the shutter works with the film door open. I could not get the mirror up -- is that normal?</p>


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