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Did I execute this correctly?


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<p>When I shoot the spin, I generally use CWA metering and ttl, then set -0.7 of FEC and make the SS around 1/20th. I then set my aperture to make the ambient about 3 stops under when metered with average. In order to ascertain this setting, I walk around and take a few quick matrix readings then set my cam to -3 stops using that info. What it gives me is a darker overall image, with more defined hightlights and then your brides dress ends up more or less perfectly exposed and pops nicely from the background. If that made sense, you're smarter than me.</p>

<p>Nice shot overall.</p>

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<p>Does this bother anyone else?</p>

<p>It looks like there are water / dust spots on the image from the lens? e.g., 200px to the exact left of where veil is attached to bride's head, and 300px above and slightly right to groom's crown.</p>

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<p>I simply set my zoom at 17mm --iso 400 -- f4 1/15th and bounce a strobe into a white card --- I expose as close to ambient as possible --the strobe freezes .....turn and fire.........Don't think the bride would notice a few spots or the slight elevation of the whites -- probably do not pay you enough to be that detailed ///</p>
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