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photoshop DVD- is it legit? any other suggestions

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<p>Hi, I came across this dvd on photoshop and it looks great. I was wondering if anyone has heard of this one or seen it or anything. I would like to order it, but I am not sure if it is safe to do so. They don't have paypal and they require credit card info obviously. If anyone knows any other comparable tutorials let me know. I am really looking at how to correct skin imperfections while maintaining the natural texture and not have a "photoshoped look".<br>

<a href="http://www.digitalphotoshopretouching.com/order.htm">http://www.digitalphotoshopretouching.com/order.htm</a></p>


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<p>Check out Russell Browns site also. Lots of quicktime movie tutorials, and a funny, irreverant attitude. Each time I watch one it occurs to me how well short movies lend themselves to PS tutorials. It would be very difficult to explain by static pictures and text captions.</p>
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