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Pocket P&S w/viewfinder?


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<p>Does anybody know of a shirt pocket sized P&S digital of 6 mp or more that has an optical viewfinder in addition to the LED screen on the back? Sony used to make one a couple of years ago, but it seems all current pocket cameras I can find require you to hold the camera at arms length to compose and shoot. thanks for your help</p>
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I played around with the viewfinder on the A720, and I discovered it's just like your Nikon - the actual picture is greater than what the viewfinder shows. Good to know in case I need to shoot something in bright sun (optimum photo conditions, of course) and I can't see the LED.

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<p>My Sony DSC-S90 has an optical finder that zooms with the taking lens; but there's still considerable parallax error. I've tried on several occasions to turn off the LCD screen and rely solely on the optical, but the parallax error is distance-dependant (and the finder is neither horizontally or vertically aligned to the taking lens; it's offset diagonally); for my purposes (candid documentary/street), where composition is still important, it's a no-go.</p>

<p>OTOH, my new Lumix G1 is a great street camera. Yes, it's a bit bigger than the Sony P&S, but the EVF works better for me than an optical finder (especially in dark situations, it gains-up so you can still distinctly focus and compose). And the fold-out LCD comes in handy in certain circumstances where putting the camera up to your face to compose is either inconvenient or impossible.</p>


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