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Wide angle for 50D 10-22 or something else? Make?

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<p>Of the 2 lens I am seeking to fill out by bag-o-lenses, one is a wide angle telephoto. I currently have a Sigma 16-35mm (I think, bought it about 7 years ago for my film camera, get an error everytime I take a pic with it though and have to turn off and on my camera to proceed - though the pic is recorded).<br>

I am thinking that I want to have a range that extends out to at least 10 mm as I do not shoot full frame. I have read several of professional reviews but am seeking first hand experience from others who have personal experiences. I am considering Canon, Tamron and Sigma. The reviews seem to like the Tamron quite a bit. The Canon reviews I have read really only compared it to other Canon lenses - not telling enough for me. I would really prefer to have the bottom extension as close to 10 as possible and the upper end is not as important to me (ie. I don't need to go into 28+).<br>

What do you recommend and why? Thanks for your input and suggestions.</p>

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