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write action to convert dng to jpeg

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<p>I have a shoot with a model who wants all her pix. I shoot raw and want to resize and give her images as jpeg. I am shooting Nikon NEF in raw so I need to write an action that will open many files in photoshop cs3 camera raw conversion and then open in photoshop cs3 and then convert to a jpeg at around 100 pixesl/inch and then save in a finished folder.<br>

If I had to do this for only a few files it would be easy enough to write and action with already opened and converted to jpeg files but I must do this for at least a few hundred files.<br>

I know how to write actions but cannot figure out how to write one that will open the dng and then change size and then save as a jpeg.<br>

Thanks for your help.</p>

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<p>It's not clear if you intend to process the raw files in batch mode<br>

before outputing as dng - if not why not just also shoot RAW+JPG?<br>

There are various routines available for dng->jpg conversions -<br>

see for example : http://www.reasoft.com/rea-dng-convert.shtml<br>

but I have never used them. The .dng format is Adobe's and has not<br>

been as widely incorporated into freeware.<br>

For more common formats there are more options so<br>

if you already have .jpg files then there are several ways to<br>

batch process them into (say) a different quality index or size<br>

- for example the NetPBM package for unix-based machines - including Macs.<br>

See: http://www.linux.org/apps/AppId_1193.html<br>

I use these utilities all the time to convert from tiff->jpg and to resize<br>

jpg images in batch mode - several hundred at a time.</p>


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<p>There's no need to reinvent this wheel. You can convert anything to anything using the Bridge/Photoshop script, "Image Processor". You can do the same thing using "Export" from Lightroom. Both are batch operations and both have the option of reducing the image to fit a box size specified in pixels. If the box is square, both vertical and horizontal images are reduced identically.</p>
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<p>Thank you both for your advice. I will try the "image processor" which seems quite easy. Would this essentially give me the same result as if I shot in raw and jpeg? If I shoot in raw/jpeg are the files separated automatically upon processing so I can just give the model the jpeg files easily without having to manually sort them?</p>
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<p>r j, yes using the image processor to produce jpegs would give you a raw and jpeg of each image, but also giving you more control over size, color space, other actions you might done, etc. I just shoot in raw, then I only have to deal with one set of files, if I need jpegs i use the image processor, after adusting the raw files first in ACR or Photoshop. </p>

<p>No need i think to make the camera process raw --> jpeg when your computer and photoshop can do it better while giving you more control. The only real reason I can think of to have the camera produce raw and jpeg is if you have to supply images very soon after they are taken(eg sports photos to a newspaper).</p>

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