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Bronica rf 645 100mm lens


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For anyone considering the lens.

Just a quickie, a while back I purchased the 100mm lens and have a

death in the family so haven`t used it much.There was a discussion on

this forum at the time. On my way home the other day I spotted this

field of sunflowers, i was tired and the lighting was dull to say the

least. I stuck my 100mm on the camera and shot a frame in haste ( as

you do) I completely forgot about the image till I got the roll back

from process and although it isn`t anything approaching a properly

composed picture I was amazed at the quality ( not shown on the web

resolution)considering i was almost as near as you can get with the

100mm. So, I`ve been watching the field getting ripe and will be

returning with the 100mm when the light is right.




Dave c

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David, the lens looks like it might be a winner for you. Did you

hand hold for the posted shot?


I have a passing interest in this camera as I shoot a Leica M,

and for bigger stuff a Mamiya 7II. While I already have a Contax

645 to cover that format size, I'm curious about the little Bronica

and what kind of images it delivers. Do you have more to show?

It would be nice to be carting around a smaller kit for some

applications. Is the veiwfinder bright enough for you?

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