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Canon speedlight on Nikon Camera


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<p>I picked up a Canon 580EX11 speed light super cheap at a garage sale even though I shoot with a Nikon

D60. I know I can use it manually off camera once I buy the adapter cable for my alien bees. But does anyone

know if there are electrical problems firing it manually from the hot shoe of the D60.</p>

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Thanks for the advice. Once I started researching the potential problems I noticed the flash has an icon that says 6 volts. To be doubly sure I dug out my voltmeter--4.5 volts static. So it should work without frying anything.<br>

Of course there is the meta-morphing problem. According to one thread I googled, if I'm a dastardly pervert who mixing Canon and Nikon gear, I may wake up some morning to discover I now own a Pentax camera. Ugg!<br>


I may end up doing that. But right now I'm doing some 1:1 to 5:1 magnification field photography. A high powered on camera flash that I can dial down to 1/128 power will help solve my underexposure problems.</p>

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<p>Chris is right on the money! Look at what people pay for used units and you quickly realize you can trade your Canon flash for an SB-800, roughly. That would get you an equally powerful flash that is 100 % compatible with all the flash feature of your D60 camera.</p>

<p>If you dislike the way the automatic flash exposure works, the SB-800 can still be used in manual mode with its output power dialed down.</p>

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