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TOU / FIVE STAR 28mm F2.8


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<p>Picked this up from a guy off Craigslist for $10 yesterday... It seems to have decent quality and from what I've found it's from a company named Toyo.. Perhaps a nonexistent company?<br>

<br /> Anyhow, I discovered that it is manual focus and that it doesn't report back to the camera correctly, or does it?</p>

<p>The camera reports it as a 35mm lens.. Also it's just an aperture ring..</p>

<p>Another question: What is the "Auto" in reference to on the front of the lens?</p>


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<p>Todd, the "Auto" refers to the auto-diaphragm capability of the lens. You set it at a single aperture and, after focusing wide open, it will stop down to that setting when the shutter triggers the lever.</p>

<p>This is opposed to older preset lenses where the aperture was at the front of the lens. The user would have two rings to manipulate: one for setting the desired aperture for the shot, the second was for opening up the aperture to assist focus.</p>

<p>I have and absolutely enjoy a preset macro lens. Because the aperture control is in the front of the lens, you can dial in and see the desired bokeh without any depth-of-field preview mechanism on the camera body. It's very cinematic in a way and useful.</p>


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<p>Ok thanks Michael! I still don't seem to be doing something right, because whether I set maximum or minimum aperture, I get the same resulting image. I don't know which direction is "wide open" for focus, so I went all the way to infinity and all the way to macro each time I changed the aperture, but I would expect the same resulting shot to be dark at F22 but it was the same exposure as F2.8.</p>
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<p>Todd, OK, you'll be an expert within minutes.<br>

1) In the menus, use the custom function "Using aperture ring" and set it to "2 Permitted".</p>

<p>2) Set the dial mode to "M": Set the lens to the desired aperture, compose the shot, press the green button (this will set the assumed correct exposure), shoot.</p>

<p>3) Also in the menus you can set focus confirmation (the red flickering light) to work with manually focused lenses. Very handy.</p>

<p>4) The exposure accuracy may be pretty inexact. I would experiment with exposure bracketing and go through all the trial-and-error shots until you get a feel on how to game the exposure system. You then can set compensation for an automatic adjustment. I just adjust bracketing and shoot away.</p>

<p>5) Your daughter is lovely. Nice color on the shot too. Toyo examples I've seen were pretty decent. For the $10 you've already got an education's worth. But we're all free here :)</p>


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<p>One note on ME's #3: The 'official' in-focus confirmation is the green hexagon symbol in the viewfinder, though the active AF point will also blink when in-focus. I believe the green in-focus symbol remains illuminated after the red AF point light disappears.</p>
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<p>We're missing more photos, so here goes my hijack. K10D + Toyo 28mm f/2.8:</p>

<p><a title="Walt Disney Concert Hall 1 by Miserere, on Flickr" href=" Walt Disney Concert Hall 1 title="Walt Disney Concert Hall 1 by Miserere, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2100/2386549334_bf5cb0416b.jpg" alt="Walt Disney Concert Hall 1" width="335" height="500" /> </a></p>

<p><a title="Roman Tangerine by Miserere, on Flickr" href=" Roman Tangerine title="Roman Tangerine by Miserere, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3102/2439618205_ce2eefc238.jpg" alt="Roman Tangerine" width="400" height="500" /> </a></p>

<p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/R_rVYxBJVyI/AAAAAAAAALA/TyFEreL6x3M/s800/IMGP6585-small.jpg" alt="" width="769" height="615" /></p>

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<p>This lens is the reason I fell in love with 28mm on APS-C. If Pentax ever release a full-frame DSLR and I buy it, I'm going to have to buy the 43 Ltd with it.</p>

<p>These Toyos were manufactured in Japan, which is more than can be said for today's Pentax Limiteds. It's a <em>very</em> nice lens, Todd, if you don't mind the stop-down metering.<br>

<img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_i6tc3TCyOTA/SHFqjQ_tYII/AAAAAAAAAqw/72a4RieXyPo/s640/IMGP8469%20copia.jpg" alt="" width="640" height="426" /></p>

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<p>Mis first off, thanks for making me feel like I got some bang for my $10 :-D<br>

I have had the LBA itch for a LONG time (probably a year now, wanting a prime wider than my FA50mm) and never have a dime (or more than $10 at least) to spend on gear so this was my first chance to scratch...<br>

Secondly those are some sweet photos. I remember the first one from when you first released it to public viewing (whenever that was.. last year mustabeen) and am now wow'd all over again...<br>

Thirdly thanks for that PF link... I have to go learn me some stuff.. :-)</p>

<p> </p>

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<p>You're welcome Todd. Anything to help out your LBA :-) This was also my first wide(ish) prime, and even though I now have other 28mm primes, I still keep it. At some point I got another one in a bundle auction, and when I tried to sell it on eBay for $15 shipped, nobody bought it! There are *many* fine, old lenses out there that go unnoticed simply because they're off-brand. Cosina has some very nice old primes that you might want to check out if you ever run into one. You might be interested in the Cosinon-T 135mm f/2.8 and 200mm f/4. I got mine for around $20-30 each (shipped). Even though I already owned the FA 50, it was this little Toyo that spawned my love for primes, and it has a special place in my heart because of that :-)</p>

<p>If you want to see some other pics with my Toyo 28mm lens, a lot of <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/Miserere/LosAngeles?authkey=Gv1sRgCJ3o3azahryUPQ">these I took in L.A.</a> were with it on the K10D. You can click on the "more info" to see the focal length to make sure. Those at 85mm were with the Jupiter 9.</p>

<p>Looking forward to some nice 28mm pics from you, Todd. And don't forget to put the close-focus abilities of this lens to good use--don't be afraid to get up close and personal.</p>

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<p>Well went out with this little $10 gem for the first time this afternoon along with a couple of my kids and had some fun... Here are a few of my snaps..<br>

<img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYxQKJ3CI/AAAAAAAAAnU/SgDCHQkjO-A/IMGP3740GRS1.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYx9GDDOI/AAAAAAAAAnY/YBP3FsPOAPo/IMGP3751G1RS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYyUN72PI/AAAAAAAAAnc/ykk-g4FD5WM/IMGP3761GRS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="459" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYyzGE7OI/AAAAAAAAAng/eqb0lb1DnmE/IMGP3762GRS.JPG" alt="" width="474" height="700" /><br>

<img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeYzQzfeAI/AAAAAAAAAnk/lyBMYeTno_s/IMGP3777GRS2.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY0ZS13fI/AAAAAAAAAno/7moNLFG0wTQ/IMGP3781G2RS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="700" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY02EgoGI/AAAAAAAAAns/u9AX4sTDXgc/IMGP3798G4RS.JPG" alt="" width="474" height="700" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh4.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY1fWPFZI/AAAAAAAAAnw/BNHBLkr-HhU/s512/IMGP3813GRS.JPG" alt="" width="512" height="512" /></p>

<p><img src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Pl4ZmXzmWq0/SoeY2Q2-3bI/AAAAAAAAAn0/f43ZxRWtyXo/IMGP3820GRS.JPG" alt="" width="700" height="465" /></p>

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