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blackbird, Fly

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<p>Pretty expensive for a piece of plastic...... It looks fun but I will wait for someone to get tired of the one they have. I got a Rolleicord for less than that in fact I got a Rollecord a Yashica A an a Yashicaflex for the same price as that plus s shipping. Yes 3 cameras for the price of that thing.</p>
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<p>I don't own one of these but to me one of the "interesting things" of this camera is that it can shoot the sprocket holes without any modifications. If that sounds interesting I'd take a look at what others do with theirs http://www.flickr.com/groups/bbf_sprocket_flyers/<br>

And here's a review of it by a toy camera enthusiast http://nicnichols.com/FourCornersDark/?page_id=956</p>

<p>It's not a Rollei, Yashica, or other expensive TLR but you knew that going in. That's why you posted this in the Alternative Camera section and not something else. I've bought a used TLR and it showed up DOA. If I were to send it back I'd be out shipping. I also bought a Yashica cheaper than the BBF, but I couldn't tell you where to get another at that price. This is a new camera, albeit a toy camera, and you can expect at least some use out of it. Personally I think it would be more useful if it had more shutter speeds, but then it wouldn't be as much of a toy.</p>

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<p>When used without the format mask to expose a 36mm x 36mm frame (including sprocket holes) it's only 4mm away from being 4 x 4cm which is 12 exp. 127. What an interesting camera it would be if someone could modify one to take 127 film instead. Obviously a DIY project since I doubt the manufacuter could justify the expense.</p>
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<p>Ditto everything above. The whole "Lomo" concept is just that, a marketing concept. I got similar cruddy "effects" from a Bell and Howell plastic throwaway that I picked up for 80 cents at a thrift store. The only thing that has tempted me at all is the fisheye camera, but really, $40 (or $60, if you get the one with the fisheye viewfinder) for a single effect, with a camera that I probably wouldn't use past one roll of film? Oy vey's mir.</p>
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<p>I have too many other cameras I just picked up a Minolta SRT-100 and 3 lenses for $30.00 and a Vivitar 450 SLD for $22.00. I have boxes of plastic cameras. If one came my way at a price in that range I would snap it up but I can't pay that much for something I would use 3 times the put in the box or on a shelf.<br>


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<p>There are several online blogs about toy cameras with reviews of the BBF. It's available at Freestyle --but still pricey. I recently paid $140 for a like-new Great Wall camera from China that is a 120 SLR with interesting optical characteristics. It's all metal, and no plastic. So, to me, paying over 100 bucks for a cheap plastic camera is just too much. I understand the fascination, and it would be fun to try a BBF, but not for that kind of money.</p>
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