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Mailing exposed process-paid Fujichrome back to UK from mainland Europe

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I'm travelling to Europe for holidays and will be shooting 35mm fujichrome slide film bought in UK process-paid. I plan to mail the exposed

film back to be developed in the envelopes they came with from wherever I am when I use up each film, with my home in UK as the

return address, in case my bag gets lost/stolen later in the trip. I'm assuming this is fine since Kodachrome had to be posted to

Switzerland and that apparently works ok. I'm just worried about the films getting fogged if everything gets heavily x/rayed in the post.

Anyone got any advice? I'll probably risk it anyway, since it will only be holiday snaps. But would be appreciated if you could put my mind

at rest. Cheers.

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<p>My general rule is for what you pay for postage, they can't afford to run an X-ray machine <em>and</em> have someone <em>look</em> at it. There's no Artificial Intelligence programs that can look at X-rays. (Well, yet.) So the likelihood of X-raying is very slight indeed. It's really only used for baggage on planes. Note how high the security fees are that you pay for airline tickets.<br>

Well, that, and don't mail any unprocessed film to House or Senate offices in Washington, DC. That gets X-rayed to "toast" levels to kill Anthrax spores. Heck, paper gets damaged!</p>


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